Chapter Five: You're Having Sex, Aren't You?

Start from the beginning

He nodded curtly before turning around and walking away from the cage, Oliver and me. 

"You coming?" He called over his shoulder, "I have someone I want you to meet." 

I looked over at Oliver to see him shrug at me. I guess he was used to Maz's moods like that. I shrugged back at him and followed Maz back to the front of the building. 

"Hale, this is my wife, Isabella," Maz said, his arms around a tall, thin woman. 

"It's nice to meet you," She said in a melodic voice as she outstretched her hand. 

"Likewise," I said. After she let go, I flexed my hand. That woman was strong

"So, are you planning on joining a class here?" Isabella asked, and I couldn't help but notice how she held onto Maz's hands, playing with his fingers. How cute. 

"Oh, um, not-" I started. 

"Hopefully," Oliver cut me off. 

I shot him a look saying 'what the hell do you think you're doing?!' but he just ignored me and answered all of Isabelle's questions. But seriously, what the hell does he think he's doing? I just met him and he thinks he can come in here and-

"So are you little Olli's girlfriend?" 

My attention snapped right back to Isabella.She just smiled cheekily.

Beside me, Oliver laughed. "Is, calm down. Hale is my friend. In fact, I just met here about a week ago. So hold your horses." 

"Yeah, I'm not his girlfriend," I backed Oliver up, nodding my head vigorously. 

"That's too bad," Isabella sighed, "you're so much nicer than some of the other girls." 

"Isabella!" Maz scolded. I watched as he leaned into her and I strained to hear him whisper something that sounded suspiciously like "you're not supposed to say that out loud!" 

I looked over at oliver to see if he heard or took offense to Maz and Isabella, but his face was as open and inviting as a brick wall. 

"Anyway," Oliver said pointedly, so he had heard, "I brought Hale here to see if she wanted to sign up or something, so..." 

"Oh right, right!" Isabella clapped her hands while Maz led me to the wrestling mat. "Would you like me to show you some of the classes we offer here?" 

"Umm," I responded. I wasn't sure about this whole deal. ON the one hand, I knew and loved this kind of stuff. But on the other...well there is a reason as to why I quit in the first place. 

"She'd love it," Oliver answered for me, pushing me to sit down next to the mat. 

Maz took his answer as a confirmation, because suddenly he and Isabella were moving up and down the mat, performing carious martial arts moves. 

Watching the two of them work together, you could easily tell how in love they were. There was just something between the two, like a spark or something. They flowed together flawlessly, each of them always on the same page as the other. The two of them were just perfect. Of course it helped that they were both absolutely gorgeous. Maz with his tan skin, blue eyes and muscles, and Isabella with her long brown hair,willowy frame and surprising muscles. 

Seriously, what was up with them and muscles? 

I remained silent throughout the performance, trying to take note of all the different styles. There were a lot, at least seven different martial arts, and I was glad that Maz pointed each one out so I didn't have to guess. 

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