Back To Atlanta

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"Ali? Wake up."
"Daryl? Where the hell have you been?"
He pulled me off the floor and walked me over to the others. There was some kid sitting on the pew in front of us.
"We're going to Atlanta to get Beth and Carol."
"I'm coming with you."
"No you ain't."
"I spent almost two months on my own. I'm going with you."
"We could use her help, Daryl. Nothing's going to happen to her."
I grabbed my bag off the floor and headed outside with the others. Daryl helped me into the box truck and I stopped to admire my truck sitting out front.
"Where'd you find it?"
"Right outside Atlanta. It's got a bit of a paint job."
I sighed and put my seatbelt on. Rick looked over at me and shook his head.
"Last time we were in Atlanta it didn't go too well."
"Last time we were in Atlanta you were still new at this. Plus you didn't have this whole beard thing going on."

"Allison keep watch and try to listen to the plan one more time."
I kept my eye on my scope listening to them talk behind me. Tyreese ignored Rick's plan and offered a new one. Personally I liked that one better. I was starting to grow tired of killing people. We were getting too used to taking someone's life. I was getting too used to it. I set my scope down and looked back at Rick.
"It's a good plan Rick."
"Let's try it. Allison I want you on this rooftop. We'll take out the officers when they try to get Noah."
I went out one of the windows and climbed up to the roof using the fire escape. Now it was time for me to wait.
Noah stayed out in the street while Daryl and the others hid out of sight. I whistled and Noah shot his gun.
The car pulled up and they went after him just like we planned. Our group took their weapons and tied their wrists. It seemed pretty easy. I looked back through my scope and whistled down at Daryl.
I fired at the windshield, but the bullets didn't go through. I ran across the rooftop and looked down at the walkers below.  They were stuck to the ground from the napalm bombings. I ran to the next roof and saw the others, but Daryl wasn't with them. I couldn't see him anywhere. Rick ran back to where they were before and brought Daryl out with him. I let out a sigh of relief and followed them back to the warehouse.
I walked in and Daryl motioned towards the window. I put my gun against the window watching for any movement outside.
"Sit this one out, Ali."
"I can handle it, Daryl. This is Beth and Carol we're talking about."
"I know you can. I just.."
He rested his hand on my stomach and I felt my face go red. He knew I could handle it. He was worried about the baby. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb smiling.
"Sometimes I forget you aren't used to seeing me like this. That month felt like a year to me."
"So you'll listen to me?"
"Maybe just this once."

Rick walked in without the escaped officer. Our plans didn't seem to be going in the right direction today. Daryl kissed my head and walked over to the police officers. I stayed by the window letting them deal with the other officers. I'm just here for backup.
"They'll all die and when they do you'll be left to lay with their corpses."
I tightened the grip on my gun and kept my eyes on the street.
"Let's move."
Daryl took my hand and held it behind our backs. I smiled and we walked out of the warehouse.
Daryl and I got on the roof of an old office building. Tyreese and Sasha were on the roof beside us. He whistled as a car on the street started to move. Tyreese called it in.
"Thought of any baby names?"
"We're talking about this now? In a hostage exchange?"
"No one's exchanged anything yet."
I smiled and looked over at Daryl. Despite the dirt and blood on him he was still as handsome as ever.
"Austin Dale Dixon?"
"Think it's a boy?"
The car pulled up to Rick and we watched as the scene below us unfolded. My head was starting to sweat against my gun as we waited for the answer to come. We were either getting our people back or shooting the officers on site. Our terms always stayed the same. Our people get back to us safe and sound or we blow your ass up. I didn't know what that made us. Maybe we were just cold or maybe we loved each other too much.
Rick signaled us and everyone hurried to our next destination. While they were in the hospital I would stay on the roof to cover their entrance. Daryl have me a quick kiss and hurried off the roof. This thing might be ending.
Down on the street our people came into view. Abraham was driving a fire truck. I shot the walker heading towards them and Michonne took down the other one. I turned my attention back to the door as our people walked out. My heart stopped when I saw Daryl carrying Beth. I hurried down the fire escape numb to what was happening. All I could hear was Maggie screaming. I ran out into the street and stopped.
Glenn held onto Maggie as she cried out. No one dared to move.
"Let's get her out of here."
"Where are we going to bury her?"
"Let's take her home."
Daryl looked up at me and nodded. Glenn pulled Maggie off the ground and started walking. We could spare some time to bury Beth beside her family.

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