chapter 50

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Ross Pov

Do you know this feeling when you love someone so much that it hurts? yeah this was what it felt when i was around Laura.

She just completed me. I wasn't perfect, she wasnt either. But together we were just perfectly imperfect.

I smiled into this kiss, i smiled so much that it caused her to pull away, also smiling.

I opened my eyes to look in hers. Everytime I looked into them, after the thing with Maia, all i had seen was hate, disappointment, pain, all this stuff. Even when we were friends. A little bit pain and disappointment always was in it.

But now, all there was, was love. Her love for me, and only me.

"You do know that youre mine now?" I smiled weak, seeing her face brighten up.

"I was hoping you would say this." She looked at me, then leaned over and gave me a light lovely kiss on my lips again. Like she wanted to seal this.

When there is one thing i can tell you for sure, then it was this; I was finally happy again.


*the next day*

We spent the last day together. We walked around, hand in hand. We laughed, we went grocery shopping, were taking a long walk with her dog, Velvet. But the best thing on yesterday was simply her being with me.

There was no hiding, the world could see that she was mine. All the boys could see it, All the girls who were trying to get me could know that there was no chance anymore. I was taken.

And now, We were at mines and laid in my bed, her head on my stomach and my head aginst the headboard. We just chilled, nothing boring, we enjoyed it.

Laura played with her phone while i was relaxing with the music which was on on radio. 'Music for free ghosts' was the motto.

After a while, she turned around and took my hand, slowly. started playing with it, taking my fingers and intertwining them. Really looking at my big hands in her tiny ones.

I smiled with closed eyes. Her soft hands were touching mine. I just pressed hers short and looked at her then, smiling weak.

Laura looked at our hands and she smiled as well, "We are a couple.." She whispered like she didnt believe it. She was the cutest person on this world.

"We are a couple.." She repeated and then looked at me.

"We are." I answered smiling in love.

im sorry that there was no update for such a long time. But ill try to do it more often now ❤️

tell me how your day was, or your week, or your night. tell me how you are, are you inlove? hurt? are you sad because of smth? just tell me everything. im always here for you when you need someone to talk with. 💘

comment fave line!🔥💕

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