Chapter 1

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Miley walked up to a big White House with a smile on her face. She stopped and looked at it for a long second, starring at the home she knew all too well. It was that of her current boyfriend, Nick Jonas. He had texted her 30 minutes before saying that his parents were away again, running errands until that evening so they had some time. Miley continued forward and knocked on the door. " Come in! " she heard Nick's raspy voice yell from inside. She turned the knob and opened the door closing it behind her. What she saw standing in front of her made her take a step back. It was Nick, with no clothes on except his Calvin Klein underwear, showing off his somewhat buff arms and his 6-pack. " Come here. " Nick said in a stern tone. Miley knew what this meant. She slowly started walking towards his figure when next thing she knew, she felt strong hands press on her shoulders pushing her against a wall. Next she felt his lips press onto hers, he sticks his tongue into her mouth and slowly starts lifting up her top. As he does sadly they have to break away for a few moments, afterwards they immediately resume making out. His hands trail down to the button of her jeans, slowly undoing it while pulling down her zipper. She smiled and kicked off her jeans. Nick began moving down from her mouth to sucking on her neck making her moan, he kept moving downwards until he reached her bra which he quickly unhooked. Now all that she had on was her panties, he started taking them off sliding them down her legs revealing her vagina, once they were on the ground Nick quickly took off his boxers, and there was a moment of silence. Nobody said anything, nobody did anything. All of the sudden, big time actor Shia LaBeouf crashes through Nick's wall. " What the hell? " Nick blurts out. Shia starts getting red in the face, you could almost see steam coming out of his ears. " Um... Can we help you? " Miley asked confused. Then he screamed something that could be heard all the way in Australia. " JUST. DO IT. " He yelled with all of the night he had, motioning towards Miley's vagina instead of his own genital area. Afterwards, he looks completely calm again, walking out the hole he made in Nick's living room. Nick's eyes followed him with a confused expression, but then he smirked and his attention was turned back to Miley. Following Shia's advice, his juicy cock entered her. His groaning was drowned out by her screams of pleasure as he kept thrusting into her, faster by the second. Finally they both climaxed, their naked bodies laid next to each other on the floor. " That was- " Miley was cut off by a man walking through the hole Shia had made earlier. Nick and Miley's eyes both grew wide, and mix of fear and confusion.
" Sweet Niblets! " the man yelled, that man was none other than Billy Ray Cyrus. He walked towards them and looked down at the two naked teens, shaking his head. " Sir I am completely sorry about this, I understand if you never want me seeing Mi- " Nick was also cut off  by Billy " I can't believe you two went at it without me! " " What? " Miley yelled, more than confused as Nick was just starring at Billy Ray. " Y'all heard me, you're both gonna be sure to invite me next time! But for now.... " he trailed on, " A threesome doesn't seem too bad right now! "
hAh didn't expect it to take that turn, I'm actually watching Even Stevens so that's how I thought of the Shia LaBeouf part 😂 he's like one of my idols okok!1!1!1!1!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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