10 // jay

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She pities him
She's gonna pay
Our parents made their choices
I'm making mine...

'She-she pities me' Carlos says walking to FGM's room for the trip.
'You got me bro' I say patting his back
'Your right' we walk into class as everyone stares at us.
'Hey de vil' Chad yells
'What?' I snap
'I wasn't talking to you'
'I know that'
'So why are you answering for him'
'Because I can, if this is about Jane she's a lying bitch.'
'No she isn't'
'She is and I have the video to prove it'
'I pity him'
'I know'
'I would never like him, he's a fag and deserves to go back to that island'
'All of them need to'
'How do we do it?'
'I have the perfect plan'

'H-how did you get that' Audrey asks
'Oh you know, I was walking to math when I heard that so I started recording'
'Children not now, we're leaving' we all follow FGM while I nudge Chad with my shoulder.

- at Argrabah -
'And this is the palace' I tough the carvings as we walk past.
'Jay don't you think about it' Carlos warns
'I wasn't'
We keep walking into the room.
'Aziz sweetheart' jasmine says as I scoff
'Oh you have a problem with this?' Aladdin asks
'I do, and I have a problem with you too' I say stepping closer
'Jafar?' He asks, I scoff
'Who are you?' Jasmine asks
'Your worst nightmare' I say walking out of the palace and down into the town.
'Jay!' I whip around to see Mal running towards me
'No need to be rude but somethings happen in the palace'
'I don't care'
'It's Carlos'


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