3. feeling poorly

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The covers on Taylor's side of the bed were thrown back far and the bathroom light was on. Tom rubbed his face as he turned his head and looked at the clock, 2:33 am. He bit his lip and stood up, walking straight towards the bathroom. "Taylor?" He asked quietly, looking at his wife who was leaning against the wall of their bathroom. Her face was pale and her hair was sticking to it. She looked so sick. He walked up to her and sat down, "Love, have you been getting sick?" She just nodded and leaned against him, too tired and ill to even speak.

It was like this when she was pregnant with Camri. The morning sickness was terrible, she couldn't get comfortable at all and it lasted all day long almost everyday. She had been miserable. Taylor took a deep and shaky breath before leaning forward and dry heaving over the toilet. Tom frowned and sat forward a bit, rubbing her back gently as he watched her. "There's no way you're going anywhere today." He said, referring to her plans of having a day with her friends.

Taylor leaned back against Tom and wanted so badly to fight him on it, but didn't have the energy. She shook lightly in his arms and he frowned more, holding her tight. He rubbed her arm soothingly and kissed her head, "We'll get you to bed and I'll text your friends and let them know you aren't feeling well." He whispered. The young woman nodded and traced his chest with the pad of her finger. "C'mon.." He said, starting to stand up with her in his arms. He quickly took her to the bed and laid her small frame down, then kissed her forehead. "I'll go get you some water and a cool washcloth. Hopefully that'll help."

As he spoke, Taylor pulled the sheet up over her body and curled into it. She yawned lightly and nodded, exhaustion getting the best of her as she closed her eyes. By the time Tom had come back, his wife was asleep in bed again. He smiled at her and placed the water on her bedside table, then ran the cool washcloth over her forehead very gently in an attempt to keep her asleep. When he was finished, he placed the washcloth over her head and went back to his side of the bed. He pulled out his phone and quickly texted Camila and Selena.

i know it's super late, but i'm just letting you know that taylor can't hang out today (tomorrow?? whatever). she's feeling poorly.

Once the text was sent, he set his phone to the side and curled back up under the covers himself. He rolled over to face her and placed his arms around her waist, pulling her close. Tomm kissed Taylor's head and rubbed small circles on her stomach as she slept. He was beyond happy. Even though his wife was sick, he knew there was a good outcome. They were finally going to have another baby, something he had wanted for years. He kissed her hair gently and continued to rub circles on her stomach as he felt himself growing sleepy as well and it didn't take long before he was dreaming.

The sun rose early that morning and shone through their partly opened curtains, Tom stirred around and a bit as he began to wake up. His arms were still wrapped securely around his wife and he held he still held her just as close. He silently thanked God that she was still sound asleep and clearly hadn't woken up since getting sick last. Instead of getting up to make breakfast like he always did, he stayed still and enjoyed Taylor's presence a little longer. She was an early riser usually, but he knew that she'd most likely be in bed all day and if she didn't want to be, he'd have to make her.

As he enjoyed the feeling of his wife being wrapped up in his arms, he thought back to those nights when him, Camri, and Taylor would snuggle together. Camri would be held in Taylor's arms against her chest and Tom would hold the both of them securely. This happened mostly when Carmi was ill or she was scared.

"Mu-Mummy, daddy!" Camri called from her bedroom, paralyzed with fear. It was 1:14 in the morning and Taylor and Tom were just beginning to go to bed. Outside it was pouring down rain and much to their surprise, a lightning strike had hit close to the house and illuminated every dark room. Three year old Camri was terrified of thunderstorms, she had been ever since she was a tiny baby.

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