Chapter 19

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Anna's POV

"Anna! Come with me!" Samm said, out of breath.

I looked to Stella and she looked back, giving me the look that said, "Go on, he's waiting."

I smiled and Samm grabbed my hand, pulling me along, running almost too fast to keep up with. I knew that everyone was watching as she pulled me along, but I didn't care. I was finally going to be happy.

"Almost... there...." Samm heavily sighed, running out of breath. This didn't stop her though, it only sped her up. She let go of me as we got behind the NeverShoutNever tent, and she looked at me.

"You know... you're a.... lucky girl." 

I seriously looked at her. "Samm, do you need some wat-" I pulled out my water bottle and she snatched it from me before I could finish my sentence.

She started chugging, and she pointed her finger off into the distance, as if she were signaling me to look at something. I looked off into the distance and saw Kyle, running toward us.

"Anna!" He yelled out to me.

"Kyle!" I yelled back, and started running toward him, leaving Samm with my water.

I jumped into his arms as he caught me and hugged me super tight for a few minutes. We then looked each other in the eyes for a good ten seconds, smiling at each other. He pulled me closer, and kissed me gently, while smiling. I smiled also, knowing that this was going to be one of the best Warped Tours I will ever have gone to. 

Kyle's POV

As I kissed her, everything felt right in the world. I knew at this moment that I loved her. I put her down and hugged her close to me. I looked off into the distance to find Samm, but she wasn't in sight. I grabbed Anna's hand and walked to the YouTubers tent. 

As we approached the spot where Anna and Samm had waited for me, I saw Samm. But she wasn't standing, she was laying on the ground. I let go of Anna.

"Samm? Samm! Wake up.." I looked down at her. She wasn't responding.

"Somebody help! Please!" I yelled. 

Anna's friend came running to us, and called 9-1-1. Before we knew it, we were on the way to the hospital with Samm, not knowing what awaited us in the future.

ιѕѕυєѕ. (A Kyle David Hall Fanfic✌️)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora