Chapter 2: Kahmunrah's Return

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'Ahkmenrah, Merenkahre, Shepseheret and I had frozen into our original positions, awaiting sunset when a man with dark hair had walked in wearing a security uniform, he had stopped, looking at Ahkmenrah, Merenkahre, at Queen Shepseheret, and then taking a long gaze at me.... It turns out he was a Night Guard at a museum in New York where Ahkmenrah was once on display...'

"Feels so good to be working here amongst old friends again. Hey, Ahkmenrah, I see you got yourself a new girlfriend, she's cute, so I guess I'll see you guys soon, alright?" He said

"Larry Daley. I see you're back, couldn't stay away, could you?" A woman said

"Tilly. How's the Night Life treating you?" He asked

"Fine, thank you for asking. So, why are you here? You miss the Night Life?" Tilly asked

"I was let go, they said they didn't need a teacher who made up stories about being a Night Guard at a Magical Museum that came to life. So I decided to transfer here. So, who's the new girl in the Egyptology Exhibit?" Larry asked

"That is Queen Neferrah, she was brought here last night, Larry. Although I've never actually met her last night. I'd really like to." Tilly said

"Maybe, Ahkmenrah could make that happen. We could ask tonight. You know, they do make a really cute couple." Larry said

"They are really adorable together. She wasn't at all violent or mean, was she?" Tilly asked

"I don't think so, I think she was a kind natured ruler." Larry said

"I guess we'll have to ask her tonight." Tilly said

'Night had fallen, the Tablet had started glowing, and we had then awoke, after a glow had swirled around us...'

"Larry, is that you?" Ahkmenrah asked

"Yeah, Ahkmenrah, it's me. So, the new girl, is there anything between you?" Larry asked

"No, we're just acquaintances, she arrived here last night. Not exactly sure where she came from... She just came to life for the first time last night." Ahkmenrah said

"So, she was confused as to why she came back to life for over 1,000 years. I see." Larry said

"Actually, it's been exactly 3,209 years since I've died. You must be Larry, you're a friend of Ahkmenrah's, I am Queen Neferrah. It's nice to meet you." I said

"Same to you, Neferrah. So, are you and Ahkmenrah a thing? Are you attracted to him?" Larry asked

"Attracted to Ahkmenrah? I just met him a night ago. How could you think that I could possibly--" I said pausing glancing toward him

"Ahkmenrah, I think Neferrah may actually like you." Larry said

"Larry, we are perfect strangers, we don't even know each other..." Ahkmenrah said

"Not so fast, Mr. Daley." A voice boomed

"I'd know that cold commanding voice anywhere..." Ahkmenrah said

"Hello, little brother." The man said

"Kahmunrah, impossible. I thought you were banished to Duat. Never to be seen or heard from again..." Ahkmenrah said

"I was, until I spent nearly 6 months trying to find a way out-- By Ra, who is this lovely vision of beauty?" Kahmunrah asked

"Neferrah, Great Queen of the Desert Sun. So, you are the bratty older brother of Ahkmenrah." I said

"Kahmunrah..." Shepseheret said with a shocked tone in her voice

"Hello, Mother. Father. And that sexy looking creature on my brother's arm. I must have her. She will be my queen. My bride and lover. For I am all powerful." Kahmunrah said

"Not in this life, or the afterworld." I said coldly

"You will warm up to me, my dear. For I am all powerful, and the most handsome of the kings." Kahmunrah said, placing his hand on my shoulder

"I did not give you permission to lay a finger on me." I said, swatting his hand away

"Kahmunrah, you may want to back off. I wouldn't want to make her angry. God only knows what she could do." Larry said

"Are you alright, Neferrah?" Ahkmenrah asked

"Yes. I'm fine." I said

"I apologize for my brother's rudeness. He's been this way since he found out his newborn baby brother was getting his throne." Ahkmenrah said, placing his arm over my shoulders and pulling away

"Forgive me, Neferrah. I'm sorry." Ahkmenrah said "Don't apologize. In my 3,209 years, I have met with countless Kings, Lords, Dukes and Princes, but none were like you." I said, taking hold of Ahkmenrah's hand

'I had the leaned in close, almost against his chest, when I had looked into his soft kind eyes, I had then squinted my eyes... It was nearing sunrise..'

"It feels like the night has only begun... And now we'll have to return to our positions." I said

"Until tonight, my lady." Ahkmenrah said

"Oh, Tilly, Larry. I must ask you for one favor; keep Kahmunrah a good distance from me, I don't trust him." I said

"Yeah, sure. Of course, Neferrah." Larry said

"Thank you, my friends, until tonight." I said, freezing into position

'The whole museum had fallen quiet, the sun had fully rose into the sky, Tilly and Larry had moved Kahmunrah further from me, I had awaited for the sun to go down, as I had held Ahkmenrah's hand as we froze...'

~End of Chapter 2~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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