Part one chapter one: Heroes Awaken

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Karkat locked the door, and ran for the stairs. He went up and went into the first door on the left. He closed it behind him, then slumped down next to it, letting out a sigh of relief. I MADE IT... He thought, I ACTUALLY DID IT... He got back up and walked to the window. Looking outside was like looking at Hell. Dead bodies scattered on the streets, waiting to be eaten by the flesh eating, creatures. He shook his head, he had things he needed to do, they didn't involve marveling at Hell on earth. No, what he needed to do was find his friends, as he had been doing for days, no, weeks.. He couldn't remember how long it had been, and he certainly didn't care. He just wanted contact with another human being. He was split from the group after a hoard ambushed them, he went the opposite direction from the rest of the group, and has been searching for them since then. He found a paper in one of the houses he had been in along the way, it talked about a house west of the city, where a group was staying in, that they had fled for the opposite side of the city to get away from the creatures. He had spent days walking to there, and now he had reached the house, and it was empty, but he could've cared less, at least he had somewhere he was safe, for now. He thought about sleep, as he hadn't slept since the group separated, but he decided against it. He couldn't stand the nightmares he had been having, it would be worse if he had them alone. He was insane already, being terrified by something non-existent wouldn't help in any way. He sat down on the bed, his eyelids were heavy, but he ignored his tiredness. He took off his backpack, the opened it. He pulled out a notebook, then a pen. and began to write;

Feb 15, 2016.

I guess I have little to write, today was short, I found the house, but of course, it was empty, I was too slow.. Anyways, I still haven't found the group, but I'm sure they'll look for me...They have to, they wouldn't just. forget I exist as soon as I'm gone, I hope,

He dropped the pen abruptly and his head fell onto the bed, the notebook fell to the floor, and there, Karkat slept.


Dave led the group down the road, looking for somewhere to stay, as it was already dark. "Okay so, we need to find a place to stay, then we keep looking for Karkat tomorrow."

Jade stepped up. "Dave, don't you think we've been looking for Karkat just a bit.. too much?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"Like, wouldn't he have shown up by now? He would've found us Dave, I think he's-" Suddenly a door shut in a nearby house, or, slams, rather. "Wait here." Dave said, pulling out a pistol.

"Dave! We don't know if-!"

Before Jade could say anything else, Dave was already running towards the house. He went to the door, it was locked. For a few seconds he stood there, his heart racing. Is it Karkat? The others caught up to him. "Dave what are you doing? We have to stay together!" John said, running to him. He looked to the door. "He's in there."

"Who- Dave no he isn't.. We've been looking for him for days.. He isn't here.." But Dave kept trying at the door, he wouldn't lose hope. Finally he managed to get it open. "KARKAT?"

He walked over to the stairs and walked up them. On the left of him was a door, it was locked. Again he kept working at the lock until it finally open. "Kark-" There, on the bed lay Karkat, asleep. "Karkat..." He said, his voice cracking. But Karkat didn't wake up, he was too tired to wake up yet. Regardless, Dave hugged him.

(Just a thing I wanted to do :3)

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