Day Twenty-Eight-Doing something ridiculus

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Nicole: "And his abs?"

Kawaii-chan: "Yes! Wait, no!"

Garroth: "Caught red-handed."

Kawaii-chan: "Can we just get the stuff for the pool? I wanna swim!"

Dante: "I actually have one of those kit's at my house! I completely forgot about it!"

Garroth: "I bet we could put our money together and make an actual pool."

Dante: "The pool I have will be fine for now."

Aphmau: "Ok! We'll all go home and get the stuff we'll need for both when we finish the pool and building it!" (I don't know where I'm going with this idea XD Let's hope it work's out well.)

With that everyone went home... except me because it was at my house. If we do build an actual pool though, who's house will it be at? Mine is in the middle of all of us so maybe my house? But I don't want to have that benefit. Wait, we're gonna be in swim wear. And 'we' include's Garroth... I WANT THE POOL TO BE AT MY HOUSE NOW! I have to get my stuff ready! I got my swim wear ready and I even showered, I can't wait for this! I hear them come in and go out to my back yard, rudely, and I walk down the step's only to see Garroth at the door with a red face.

Aphmau: "Why are you so red? And why are you still a the door?"

Garroth: "I find it rude to just walk in, and I'm a little embarrassed."

Aphmau: "Thank you, you can come in, but why are you embarrassed? Oh, now I know why... I won't wear anything too revealing and I don't think any of the other girl's will either."

Garroth: "Thank you but, I still have to wear swim wear too."

Aphmau: "And? You got nothing to hide under that shirt."

Garroth: "Yeah, I guess."

Aphmau: "Oh, when can I try out that hot tub?"

Garroth: *bright red* Oh... um... w-well it's up to you r-really."

Aphmau: "Today?"

Garroth: "What about the pool?"

Aphmau: "Well it could just be me and you? You said your embarrassed about this whole thing so how about you and me only? It would be less embarrassing for you."

Garroth: "Uh... if you want to, ok."

Aphmau: "Cool! We'll help them build it and then they can use it while you and me are gone!"

Garroth: "Laurence wont trust me."

Aphmau: "I'll say I'm gonna drop you off and then go for a walk or something."

Garroth: "Ok!'


Aphmau: "Come on!"

We went out and started to help them build it and we were done pretty fast. I told them that Garroth didn't feel to well and I didn't really feel like the pool today so I was going to drop him off, but of course I was lying so I could spend some time with Garroth... in a hot tub... this is ridiculous and great at the same time, we don't get many alone moment's... because of Laurence. He is so protective over me when it comes to Garroth, I don't know why though.

Aphmau: "Why is Laurence so protective when it come to you and me time?"

Garroth: "Uh... he just doesn't wanna take any chances in losing you... yeah, that's why!"

Aphmau: "You sure?"

Garroth: "It's not like I like you that way or anything, heh."

In movies they always turn out to like them that way when they say that but this is real life so I aint gonna trust no movie logic here. Once we were at his house I got my clothes and walked to the front door, with Garroth following with his bright red face. We went in and I went to the guest room to change. Once I was done I saw Garroth with a pair of short's and no shirt, revealing his chest and making me blush in the process. I was embarrassed, yes, but I was also happy... is that creepy? Wait, he's staring at me and he's got a bright blush on him.

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