chapter 2

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Ashtons POV!


I looked up and both of them had a look of disgust on their faces. Harrys worse than Luke's.

"Guys, calm down. It's not that bad. I'm not going to die because of it," I tried to reassure them. But Harry was having none of it. Whereas Luke's expression had changed from one of shock per say, to a look of deep though. I could tell when Luke was thinking. I'd known him long enough to know. His eyebrows scrunched up and his nose twitched like a little bunny rabbit.

"Not that bad... Are you legit mate? This is bad. It's gross. Get away from me you disgusting faggot," Harrys voice rose with every word and then on the final word he ran back to the school, screaming faggot the whole entire way. Luke gave me a sympathetic look before muttering a sorry mate and chasing after Harry. At this point I decided that there was no point staying and ditched the rest of the day. My mum wouldn't mind after I told her what happened.

I walked around town for a while paying no attention to where I was going. I looked up and noticed my feet had guided me to my favorite place in town, the park. I took a seat on the park bench by the lake and pulled out my guitar I had from music class I had today. I could play guitar but drums was my main thing. I could also play saxophone, Piano and I sing. But today I was in the mood for singing. I started strumming my guitar and the words found their way to my mouth.

(Only chorus)

Did you know that I loved you or were you not well?

You're the smile on my face and it ain't going no were,

But who's going to make you fall, in love,

I know you've got your walls built all the way around your heart,

Don't have to be scared at all,

'Cause you can't fly unless you let yourself fall,

I looked up and noticed I had received a small crowd. When I was done they clapped, some even thought I was busking and tried to give me money. I declined politely. Out of the corner of my eye I reckon I saw Luke but judging by the amount of boys I'd met with blond hair it probably wouldn't be him and he was gone before I could check. I packed up my guitar and headed home. When I arrived at home mum was just putting dinner on the table. Spaghetti my favorite. I ate hastily and then told mum all about my horrid day.

Luke's POV!


I couldn't believe it. Pretty much all my life I had known Ashton and not once did I stop and think he'd be gay. I mean he's been with girls before but they never worked out. Now I understand why. I was torn, torn right in half because I'd always had a special connection with Ashton. He was my best mate. So do I stay friends with him and get hate myself or do I stick with Haz who I'm not as close with and bully Ash. It was tough. I didn't want hate, Heck no one wanted hate but I knew he would get it. The look of disgust on Harrys face said it all. I decided to take the rest of the day off; I didn't want to see Harry or Ashton again. I doubt Ashton even stayed at school anyway. Either way I'm leaving.

I thought about where I should go before deciding on the park. I slowly walked along the concrete foot path before arriving at the park. It was a beautiful place. Ashton and I always used to come here and kick the footy around. Ashton? Is he the reason I decided to come here? In hope of finding him or maybe just to feel a connection to him? I scolded my mind for thinking these thoughts. He can't be the reason; the park really is just a wonderful place. I snapped out of my trance when I heard a soft strumming of a guitar and an angelic voice coming from somewhere. It kinda sounds like Ash... But it can't be. He very rarely lets people hear his voice, let alone in public. His mum and I were the only ones who had heard it really. He only sang in front of us when he was upset or thinking. This must be bad. He's probably a mix of both right now. I would be if it was me. I strained my ears and tried to figure out which way the music was coming from. I walked around in circles for a bit before finally arriving at a small crowd. Ashton was just getting to the 2nd chorus and was singing Justin Bieber's fall. It was amazing. Somewhere in the back of my head I wondered if it could be about me. I mean I've had girl problems before. But that's the thing GIRL problems. I was straight. I needed to stop thinking about Ashton in this way. I don't like him more than a friend. That's all the feeling was right? And I'm sure the feeling was mutual. He finished the song and with that the crowd clapped loudly. He looked up and I ours met for less than a second. SHIT! He couldn't see me. I don't know why but he couldn't. I turned around and walked off briskly before he could see if it was me for sure.

I ran most of the way home and quickly opened the door and walked up the stairs two at a time.

"You alright hon?" My mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Oh crap. An excuse, quickly. I didn't feel like talking about my day. At all!

"Uh I'm fine mum. I just forgot to e-mail a teacher some homework," I yelled back. Luckily she believed me. I loved my mum but she was extremely blonde and gullible. I lay on my bed and thought about the day that had just passed and what I was going to do. I loved Ashton I really did. In a brother way of course but was it better to have lots of average friends and get no hate or just Ashton and cop a lot of hate. Harry was pissed. This automatically meant the whole school would turn on him. I decided on my first option. Just as I did my phone buzzed and lit up. I picked up my IPhone and glanced on the name on my phone.

ASHEY <3: Hey Lukey. Please don't turn on me after today. Were still friends right? :/ -Ash x

I wasn't so sure anymore. We couldn't be. I know it's selfish but I don't care at this point in time. I pretty much lived for my rep. I loved being popular. My phone buzzed again...

ASHEY <3: Oh and BTW was that you at the park today? -Ash x

Ugh I really need to change that name. People would think we were dating if they saw it now. Now that Ash is... well... you know, Gay!

ASHEY <3: c'mon Lukey. Please don't ignore me. I don't mean to be. I wish I could change. I can't help it. We've been friends for so long please don't let this pull us apart. I'll miss you. :( - Ash x

I had to ignore it. It was the only way to keep my rep. I deleted and closed Ash's messages and opened contacts and changed Ash's name to Ashton-the fag. It would make Harry happy. I also changed my lock screen photo. Before it was Ash and I when we were having a movie night and laughing on the couch together. I had always thought it was a cute photo but it had to be changed. I changed it to me and Harry kicking the footy. That would also make him happy. My phone buzzed yet again but this time it wasn't Ashton. It was Harry.

HARRY :P : Hey mate! Make sure you don't talk to the faggot. Haz

LUKE: I won't, trust me. It's just us now. : )

Ugh I wish I still had Ash. He was nicer and less demanding.

HARRY :P : Good we were always better than him anyway. ;)

No we weren't...

LUKE: haha yeah true. :P I'm going to sleep goodnight.

HARRY :P : Night !

I closed my eyes and felt asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Dreaming of Ashton and the hellish days to come.

Ashton POV -


I can't believe him. I've known him for fifteen years, since I was 2! Yet he still finds it fucking easy to unfriend me. Being gay isn't that bad! He ignored my text and I hated it. Actually no. I hated him, well I wish I did. I couldn't actually bring myself too. I wanted to text Lukey goodnight. We did every night but I knew things were different now. I couldn't so with that fault I cried myself to sleep.

Hey guys,

You liking it. Comments mean a lot. This was an early update I wasn't actually planning on updating till tomorrow. Sorry for any errors. I suck at editing and spelling, I'm dyslexic. But anyway. It's a bit longer. 4 pages on word. You guys are awesome and thank-you to the person who voted. ILY.

Jadey :) xx

Oh and BTW there the same age in this fic. :)

Just a little bit out of my limit (Lashton fanfic) 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now