Relatives and Orange Juice

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Said man came running into the bathroom in his footy pajamas, armed with a rolled up newspaper.
(Y/n) pointed to a furry black dot in the corner of the room.
(Y/n)...that is my cousin...
Claude what did I say about having 'relatives' over
And in the bathroom?!
Before Claude could argue (y/n) stormed out slamming the door behind her.
But berb...
Claude opened the door approaching (y/n) in the kitchen.
Uh...clud clud chicken, why do we have two cartons of orange juice?
Claude's glasses glinted
I sneaked into Michaelis' house and stole it from him last night.
Sebastian Michaelis was the couple's neighbor and also Claude's greatest enemy since high school. Never would he miss an opportunity to mess with him.
(Y/n) sighed,
why are you like this to him?
Claude smiled his troll'est smile and shrugged
You told me to stop staring at you while you're sleeping, so I went to mess with Michaelis.
(y/n) wondered how fast her boyfriend had to run considering Michaelis would also be awake, due to him also being a demon, and catch him with ease.
Why don't you just knit a sweater or something
Berb knitting is lame...I crochet.

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