Wedding Cakes

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"What about this cake, my..." Zack hesitated. Would a cute nickname make things awkward? On the other hand, maybe no nickname would make the act seem less real. "Darling?"

His old friend Jack, shovelling samples of some type of red velvet cake into his mouth, gave a thumbs up in reply. Zack was now completely sure Jack wasn't lying when he said all he wanted to do was try free food.

It was a funny story of how Zack ended up being fake engaged at 4'o'clock on a Saturday evening to a guy he hadn't even spoke to in 10 years.

For the first time in ages, Zack finally decided to check his Facebook. He had made an account five years ago out of sheer boredom and had only ever logged in four times over the past three years. Adding as many people as he could from his high school was a bad idea too. All he wanted to do was look popular, he didn't realise he would have to put up with the endless tags and messages. Honestly, he couldn't care less that some guy from his French class got married or that a chick he barely even knew had just had her third child.

He was about to log out for another two years when he saw the post.

It was by somebody named Jack Barakat. All Zack could remember about him was that he had been in Zack's homeroom and was, quite frankly, a bit of a dick.

'Does anyone wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours lol I wanna try free weddin cake ;)'

Zack let out a chuckle and liked the post. He thought nothing more of it until a few seconds later when he recieved a message.

Jack Barakat: lol does that mean ur up for it
Zachary Merrick: what
Jack Barakat: u kno u want the c
Jack Barakat: and by c i mean cake
Jack Barakat: or do i

Zachary Merrick: ?

Jack Barakat: u liked the post u clearly agreed to fake marry me

Too late to say no now.

Zachary Merrick: I mean okay then
Jack Barakat: really
Jack Barakat: sweet
Jack Barakat: al pick u up at 3
Zachary Merrick: you don't know where i live
Jack Barakat: Ik but ur gonna tell me
Jack Barakat: jus give me ur number ;)

Despite the uncomfortable amount of winky faces and the general creepy vibes Jack gave off, Zack ended up with his phone number and plans to lie for free food.

Though Zack was not going to admit it, he was actually having fun. At first he was worried that people would soon find out their act, but Jack managed to lie smoothly. Jack seemed fine taking control, so all Zack had to do was occasionally wrap his arm around Jack's waist and spout nonsense about how they had met (Jack had already gone through the backstory thousands of times; they had run into each other at a party and instantly fell in love. Although Zack had pointed out thousands of reasons why this was an unlikely story, Jack was insistent on sticking to his original plans.)

They had walked through the rest of the fair in less than an hour, pretending to inspect tuxes and study pamphlets from venues. Jack had also made a big deal over getting Zack's finger measured for a ring, which was embarrassing. Finally they had reached the purpose of their journey: the cakes. Jack was like a wild animal. While Zack made casual conversation with the woman behind the stall and at least ate using cutlery, Jack headed towards the extravagant cakes and began shoving samples into his mouth.
"So, when's the wedding?" the beaming woman questioned. Zack anxiously glanced over at the skunk haired boy, who was now working on a thick chocolate cake. Jack had said that he would answer all the questions.
"Oh, well, we're aiming for June," he responded, spraying cake crumbs everywhere. As the lady began gushing over how 'June weddings are the dream', Zack found himself shaking his head and laughing at Jack. It was like going out with a hyperactive nine year old. The only difference was that Zack wouldn't be falling for a hyperactive nine year old the way he was falling for Jack.


"Well, here we are again," Zack laughed, entwining his fingers with Jack's.
"Maybe this time I won't eat all the cake and spend the night puking."
"Please don't, I'm really not prepared to deal with that." Zack placed his head on Jack's shoulder.
"I'll try not to, but only for you."
"And don't force me to have my ring size measured. I'm not ready to go through that embarrassment again."
"Damn, then what's the point in even going?" Jack held Zack's hand, still wrapped in his, in the air. "I don't need to anyway. We already know it." The silver ring on Zack's finger sparkled in the cool Spring sun.
"I love you Jack."
"I love you Zack."
Both of them had to admit that showing up to the wedding fair three years later, this time for real, was pretty ironic.

This is just a bad fanfic I wrote based on a tumblr post ye thanks for reading

Wedding CakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora