At the End of the Night

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The two lovebirds went to a nearby ice cream shop for dessert. It was already around 10pm, and they decided to go window shopping. They held each other's hands, and walked around for a bit. Frisky felt as though his heart was going to leap out of his chest. He squeezed Donald's hand, and felt a squeeze back. He then turned to look at the superb man. He drew closer, and ran his hand through Donald's hair.

He felt his hand lift from Donald's head, and looked up to see that his hair had detached. They both looked around frantically, and quickly placed the wig back on Donald's head. They silently agreed to ignore what had just happened, and never tell anyone.

The street was dimly lit, and there was a soft buzz that coated the air. When people noticed Donald, they stopped and stared. Whispers surrounded the couple. They eventually got tired of it, and just went back to Frisky's place.

There they had a bit of a disagreement. Donald wanted them to take a shower together, but Frisky was too tired. Donald soon gave up, and the two got ready for bed.

When they settled down for the night, Frisky pecked Donald on the cheek. The both of them blushed a deep, ruby red.

"Frisky, I am so happy to be here with you," Donald whispered.

"So am I, Donald," Frisky replied.

"Before we do anything else, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Donald? You can tell me anything," Frisky was worried now.

"Well... I am actually Satan," Donald said, sadly.

"Lol what," Frisky was extremely confused. Then, Donald began to morph. His skin turned even more red, he grew bigger, most of his clothes ripped off, yellow horns sprouted from his head, and he removed the amazing wig which sat perched atop his head. The transformation was not yet done, though, as his legs turned more horse-like, hooves replaced his feet, and a goatee instantly grew on his face.

Frisky stared in shock. He had felt like the rest of the day was just a dream, but this went far beyond what he could ever imagine. Though, he thought to himself, it did make a lot of sense. Either way, Frisky was not going to give up on this love. They would be together forever.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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