Frisky's Lust

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Frisky just finished recording when his phone buzzed on the desk. His large fingers pressed the home button excitedly, and he nearly squealed when he saw who had set off his phone. It was Donald.

His message read, "Just landed, cutie. If you tell me where your place is we can get it on tonight. ;)" Frisky stiffened, wondering what he should reply with.

He decided upon, "I was thinking that we should go out together first."

Donald sent, "Alright, but I'll be thinking about you. :("

"How about tomorrow night at seven? I know a good place near me," Frisky asked, hopeful.

"Sure, I'll be there to pick you up." Frisky was excited. He jumped up out of his black chair, and rummaged through his closet for a nice outfit to wear. He found an old suit, and decided to wear that, along with a psychedelic cat tie.

Frisky's excitement was more than he had ever felt before. It was even greater than the feeling when his fursuit was just about finished, or when his favorite anime aired a new episode. He was determined to make the next night the best night of his entire life.

This was a whole new territory. Anything could happen, and Frisky wasn't sure if he was completely ready.

As Frisky later drifted off to sleep, all he could imagine was Donald's beautiful smiling face. He imagined all different ways the date could go, and became both anxious and excited.  

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