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After Megan left I sat downstairs staring at the wall opposite the sofa just thinking about what had been happening the past few days. I heard the door being opened and just assumed it was Jack which it was.

"Hey Tilly. Are you ok?" He asked.

I shook my head and he came and sat next to me.

"What's wrong? Miss Luke already huh?"

I nodded my head and looked at my hands I could feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.

"Hey don't cry." Jack said tilting my head up.

"Sorry. I've been really emotional lately just Luke leaving and us breaking up."

"Wait when did you break up?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"No I just thought you too had, had some sort of argument I didn't know you fully broke up. Well I'm sorry for whatever he did probably just being a dick."

I let out a small laugh.

"See that's the smile I've been waiting too see now you should get some rest or we could watch a movie down here and make a fort?"

"I'll get the blankets you get the food." I said not wanting to be alone.

I love Jack he's like the older brother I never really had.

I came back with all the blankets and Jack came with the food. We set up the fort and watched movies all night together.


"Matilda Joseph please come to room 15." The lady over the speaker called.

Megan had demanded to take me to the doctors so we came and we'd been waiting in the waiting room until my name finally got called out.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Megan asked.

"Yes please if you don't mind." I said.

We got met by my doctor at the door and walked down to her office.

"Right good morning. What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"Recently I've been getting cramps quite a bit my chest hurts I've been eating a lot more than I should I've been needing to use the toilet more often and been feeling really dizzy and I've also be sick for the cramps a few times."

The next question she asked I'd been dreading.

"Have you missed your period this month?" She asked and it slipped my mind with everything going on.

"Yes only by 16 days. It's infrequent sometimes."

"Matilda have you had any type of Sexual Intercourse recently or in the past month?"


"How long ago was this."

"About 4 weeks ago."

"Ok let me just find somethings out." She said typing on her computer.

"Matilda is it ok if your friend here hears this?"

"Yep she's fine to stay." I smiled.

"Well congratulations Matilda you're almost certainly pregnant."

Those words alone held enough to weight to bring down my whole world.

"That's impossible." I started to panic.

"You've had all the symptoms everything you've described have been symptoms of pregnancy."

"How long? How long have I been pregnant?"

"I suspect 5 weeks dear."

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You'll need to come back for an ultrasound in about 2 weeks just to see how everything's forming to see if we can detect anything."

"Ok thank you very much." Megan said noticing I was on the edge of breaking.

We got up and left then as Megan started to drive i stared out the window and a tear fell from my eye.

"Til isn't this good news?" Megan asked.

"No. I'm too young Megan i can't even look after Luke and keep our relationship together I can't look after a baby. I don't have any money and I can't keep using Liz as my personal bank. I don't even have a job. We're still in school Megan. FOR GOD SAKE WHY AM I SO STUPID."

Megan pulled over and she undid her seat belt and hugged me.

"I'll always be here for you Tilly I love you I'm sure Luke will be happy to hear the news. And Liz she'll be a grandma."

"Luke can't know about this."

"Tilly he's the father. You're not thinking straight he needs to know. The sooner the better. Trust me you'll be fine. If you really don't want to do it I'll do it."

"No I'll do it I just need to find the right time."

"Ok just please do it soon."

"I promise."


It had been a week. 1 week of knowing I'm pregnant and 1 weeks of feeling more alone than ever. Even though Megan was there most of the time I felt as if I was missing something.



I told Jack the day I found out and he squealed like a girl finding out he was going to be an uncle. Then he realised that I was upset and stop screeching and talked about how he'd support me no matter what Luke or anyone else did or said.

I talked to Megan about abortion but only realised that it's taking a life before someone actually got to live it which was completely unfair.

I was sat on the sofa with my phone in my hands debating wither to call Luke or not. I finally decided to do it so I dialled his number and after the 5th ring he picked up.

"Hi." He said.


"What's up?"

"Luke there's something I need to tell you."

"Give me 1 second I need to get away from the boys."

"Ok what's up?" He said after a few minutes.

"Luke I'm pregnant." I said.

"You're what?"

"I'm pregnant Luke and you're the father."

"No. This can't be happening. I don't want ANYTHING to do with you or that baby. I hate it. I can't look after that child I will not take ANY responsibility for that baby. I'm not having it you'll have to find someone else to be the dad I'm certainly not. You can abort it for all I care or give it to child services or another family." He said then I heard a massive smash and the line went dead.

I quickly text Michael telling him to check on Luke and he replied a while later saying he didn't say anything he's just been silent for hours.

I didn't think I had many tears left from all the crying I'd done but obviously I did so I curled up into a ball under a blanket.

Great this baby I don't even want is going to live without a father and with an unstable mother with no money.

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