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It's been a few days since that whole incident happened, and I can honestly say I feel a hell of a lot better than I ever have. I have no fucking clue as to what chemicals they were pouring into my veins, but whatever they were, they worked. I'm just glad Sollux was there the whole time. He means so much to me, and I don't tell him that enough.

Kanaya stopped by with Rose a few times too. They're both such sweethearts, it's nice to see them so happy with each other.

I think that's another reason I feel so happy. Through all of this bullshit, I couldn't be there for my moirail to let her know I was okay, but she still had Rose. Rose never lets her down, and it's a nice, safe feeling for me that she's there to pick up my slack.

Kanaya had Porrim pick me and Sollux up from the hospital, and we drove back to mine and Kanaya's place.

As we pulled into the driveway, Porrim turned her head around and looked at Sollux and I in the backseat.

"yo+u kno+w, karkat, so+llux, if yo+u two+ ever need anything at all, yo+u can always call me." She said in a soft tone of voice. Almost worried, but still smiling.

"THANKS, PORRIM." I returned a smile.

"yeah, thank2 a lot." Sollux also smiled, which was a nice thing to see so often.

We both got out of the car, and walked inside. Rose was showing Kanaya how to knit with needles on the living room couch, and it kinda seemed like Kanaya was getting the hang of it. When we opened the door, they both turned their heads toward us, and smiled.

"Well Hello You Two" Kanaya said.

"Welcome back, Karkat. Are you feeling alright?" Rose asked, setting down her needles and walking over to Sollux and I.


"Good." Rose smiled. She opened her arms for a hug, which seemed unusual. I accepted the hug, which seemed a bit more unusual. She's a bit taller than me, so I wrapped my arms around her neck, and hers went around my sides.

"hehe, KK ii2 2howiing 2iign2 of affectiion? that2 a fiir2t." Sollux giggled.

I let go of Rose, and stuck my tongue out at Sollux. "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE I LIKE ROSE MORE THAN YOU."

"oh yeah, 2URE you do." He smirked, crossing his arms.

"OH MY GOD, *FINE*, YOU CAN HAVE A HUG TOO." I sighed, putting my arms around him for half a second and then letting him go.

"...thank2, KK."

"Does Kanaya Get A Hug As Well" Kanaya asked, standing up from the couch.

"OH, BUT OF COURSE, MS. MARYAM." I said, bowing down to her like an idiot. She thought it was funny though, and that's all that matters. She walked up to me and gently put her arms around me, and I did the same. We did our usual cheek-kiss-exchange-thing, then I walked over to the staircase.


Are you okay? (SOLKAT SADSTUCK)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant