Same love

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"Jeff Im home!" I said before blowing out a sigh of relief then slamming the door. Another failed relationship was the last thing I needed but I knew Jeff would always have my back.

"OHH giiirrl how did he go?" He asked while elongating the "I" in girl to add more pep to the question.

"Bad. He was a total slob. Did I mention he farted during dinner then had the nerve to laugh about it?"

"Oh em gee eww. I would have told him some many bad words, but Im glad you didn't because you too classy for that."

I laughed at Jeff's comment because he would always preach about not being ratchet but he was the main one.

"Olivia girl what is you thinking bout?" 

"High school. Im glad that we bacame friends"

Jeff sashyed his way over to me with a bowl of cherrys but picking off the stem and putting them in his mouth.

"Why?" He questioned while popping the first cherry stem in his mouth.

"Because you are such a great friend now and then."

Olivia was right. Once they became friends in high school they never left each others side. She could remember that day so vividly.

Ever since she switched to that school she had a fasination with Jeff. She was always dumbfounded as to why people would treat him differently than the other and one day she had enough.

"Olivia whats wrong?" Her friend Niomi asked her

"That poor kid. He gets bullied everyday and no one does anything why not?"

"I really dont know." Niomi admited while looking at Jeff in the corner of the cafeteria

"Hey faggot!" One of the jocks called out grabbing Jeff's attention. Once he realized who it was he just rolled his eyes in annoyance ignoring the daily bully.

"Hey when Im talking to you look at me faggot."

Without thinking Olivia got up and stormed her way over to Jeff without a single thought.

" Hey leave him alone!"

"Woah faggot you got a girl sticking up for you now uh"

Jeff didnt say anything he just sat there in disbielf that some one was actually taking up for him

"He doesnt have to answer you. You dont know what he likes or who he likes just leave him alone." Olivia ranted 

"Who are you anyway?" I mean jock chuckled while folded his arms

"I am Olivia Karma Anderson and Im his friend so You better leave before I complain to my father that you are bully."

By this time Olivia had gotten the whole cafeteria's attention but she didnt care she just wanted Jeff to left alone but she drew more attention to him.

"Boo woo little girl is going to cry to her daddy who isnt really relevant."

"I have know you narcissistic son of a bitch that my father is your principle AND football coach and things can happen just like that."

Before The jock could come back Oliva just kept on talking. "I advise you to leave now if you wanna keep your scolarship to the school that non of your friends no about."

Olivias mouth had just gotten to her and not instead of standing up for Jeff she humilitated the jock. He just looked back at his friend who were obviously shocked and brushed past Olivia and never bothered Jeff again.

"You didnt have to do that. I really am gay so it doesnt bother me Plus I can stick up for myself."

"Gosh you're welcome but I didnt want to hear your personal buisness a thank you would be nice."Olivia scoffed before walking away.

She was really hurt by the fact that 1. She could get in trouble by her father by saying he was the principle and saying information only a few knew and 2. she took the risk and embarased her self to stick up for someone she didnt know and they didnt have decency to say 'Thank You'.

Jeff as the guy he was followed her to the table to give a sincere apology.

"Olivia Karma Anderson..." Jeff started while sitting infront of her and grabbing her hand. "I really appreciate the fact that you would go out of your way to make me feel better and stand up for me. Deep down in my heart and all of Colorado I want to thank you." Jeff finished with a hearty smile and a small laugh.

"You are oh so welcome Jefferon Sanders." Olivia Blushed. "Meet my best friend Niomi." They greeted each other and since that day on the Two have been inseprable.

"AJBVJDKSNVJKFDNVJIE"  Olivia was abrupty drawn from her flashback by the sound of Jeff slightly chockng on a cherry stem.

"What the hell are you doing?" she laughed

"Im trying to tie the cherry stem with my tougne. They say if you can do it you can work wonders with your mouth."

"Ohh I could only imagine." Oliva chuckled. "Lemme try!"

"Wait lets have a contest!"

"Fine. First person to do it win"

"Ready Set Go"

Olivia and Jeff stuck the cherry stems in their mouths and went to wrestling their tounges against the stems until Olivia took her's out with a knot in it.

"Done!" She exclaimed

"Ugh im never gonna do it."

"Be glad babes once guys find out they only gonna want you for one thing." Olivia winked before cutting out the lights and going to bed.

"Its true I'm never gonna find love. At least not the same love.

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