Chapter 2

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"I'm knackered." Bob yawned from behind his drum kit.

"Tell me about it." Bondy chuckled quietly.

"Hard work pays of lads, I promise." I smiled.

That's what I believed anyway. I 'ad been brought up with that phrase in mind, mainly from my dad. In my head the kid that kicks the football against the wall up until he gets cold and his tea is ready, won't do as well as the kid who continues kicking the ball against the wall another 101 times in the freezing cold.

"Heard the girls are staying at Ade's tonight." Benji spoke up as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone.

"Yeah when I was outside Van's earlier I was talking to Harper and El." Larry yawned, "El's nice so she is, fit too, but nice."

Inside my head, I agreed with both statements however physically, all I could get out was a nod.

"She has a bloody great music playlist, she showed me it in science last." Bob chuckled.

She was listening to The Kooks when she was walking home, up until I interrupted. I liked when people listened to the same music as myself.

"Ade 'as a free tonight, we should bring some Booz and head down." Larry suggested, "I saw a text form her mum earlier saying they left for the weekend.

My eyes shot wide open, right now I was a sweaty mess in an ol' football kit I got for me birthday.

"We all look like shit." I tried to put them off the idea.

"Eh, I look great right now." Bondy gasped, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Go get changed Van, we are going. Bondy text Ade." Larry smirked.

Sighing, I sauntered upstairs and into Bondy's spare room, thankfully I always kept a stash of clothes here so I shoved on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black jumper, black Chelsea boots and as always, my black leather jacket.

I sprayed some cologne and tried to fix my messy hair before regrouping with the lids in the living room.

"Ade said to be there in an hour, if we leave now and go get Booz we will make it on time."

With that, everyone was out the door and into the van.

Bondy, being the only one who drive safely, jumped into the front and took off.

"So a little birdy told me that you walked El home?" Bob winked.

"She lives across the street from me, it wasn't a big deal." I shrugged, playing around with a loose thread dangling from my jumper.

These lads would make a big thing out of anything I tell ya.

Thankfully we approached an offie so Bondy ran in, got what he needed and then returned.

Soon enough we were standing outside Ade's cottage waiting for someone to open the door.

"Alright Lads, on into the living room." Ade welcomed

In my head, a girl sleepover was full of face masks, sweets, fluffy pyjamas and rom-com films but what I was witnessing in here, was the opposite. An ace music playlist was playing through the small speakers installed all over the house and the place smelt like pizza or summit.

"Let's get this party started!" Larry cheered

I followed everyone into the living room and that's when I saw her. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think El looked hot, because tonight she looked bloody smashing.

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