chapter 1- graduation

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(Now to be honest I have absolutely no flucking clue to what goes down at an army/navy graduation, I don't even know if they get a graduation but whatever. If you find something that isn't right in this chapter please tell me in the comments. Oh and to clarify some things Pinkie and Apple Jack are cousins, Twi and Rarity are cousins and Dash and shy are sisters. Thank you for tolerating the hiatus :)

Rainbow Dash stood at attention with a proud face, she had finally done it, the months of agonizing training had now been a thing of the past. Dash looked out over the sea of people that came to the navy's air force graduation day, looking for one person in particular. Twilight Sparkle oh how she loved that name it was perfect for her. Dash's eye's suddenly came to a halt as she spotted the girl's indigo hair, Twi always said it was natural and dash believed her but she loved teasing her favourite egghead.

"RAINBOW DASH, ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?" Her commanding officer shouted almost giving her a heart attack.
"SIR, YES SIR!" She shouted with great gusto, her friend's and her parent's in the crowd looked at her with sympathetic looks.

*Time skip brought to you by dashie's feelings for Twi*

"Congratulations honey, I knew you'd be able to do it" firefly said to her "thanks mum, did anyone have doubts about me?" Dash asked "um, I kind of had doubts but only because I care about your safety" dash's sister Fluttershy said shyly "awe, thanks shy" dash said to her before giving her a kiss. ( that's not weird is it? I kiss my sister's)

"Dashie! I can't believe we finally graduated!" Pinkie pie said running up to dash and hugging her tightly "hehe, mighty surprising considering how lazy you are" Apple jack said chuckling "ha-ha very funny. I thought you'd be too busy with your farm work to finish training for the army cowgirl" dash said, this is a normal thing between the two friend's "yeah, but at least I confessed my feelings towards Rarity, just tell her" A.j whispered to her "oh fluck off" dash said angrily. ( Rainbow uses Onision's curse words when her parent's are around)

"What are you two talking about?" Rarity said giving A.j a kiss on the cheek (Rare is Russian BTW) "talking about how Rainbow can't confess her feelings towards you know who" pinkie said with a huge grin "Rainbow how long has it been since you've been crushing on her? Almost a year now" shy said "yeah, but I can't tell her she might not want to see me again" dash said looking at the ground not noticing Twi creeping up on her (0-0 creepy stalker alert *beep beep beep*) "rawr, gotcha" Twi said scarring the shlit out of dash "JÄVLA! Don't do that" dash said panting and clutching where her heart is (tee-he someone does this to me all the time. Tbh I done it to her first so payback basically XD) "sorry couldn't resist" Twi said laughing, dash turned around and hugged her "AWWW" Rare, A.j, Pinkie and Shy said.

OK hate to leave the first chapter here but it's almost 02:30am in the U.K and it's my cousins birthday party tomorrow, so hope you enjoyed I'll try to update this one frequently sorry for leaving all of you hanging for over a couple of months basically, BYE-BYE!

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