Chapter 7

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so because i was late and i just finished this chapter i decided to upload it for you - so for all of you who didn't get anything for valentines day this is for you;)

Rhett's POV

She looks gorgeous. That was the first thought I had in my head when I had opened up the bathroom door. We were even having a moment, if you want to call it that, until Dylan popped his head in there and uttered his two sense.

Now I was kind of glad Dylan had dragged us to this party, I could act like she was mine, hold her hand, cater to her, and hold her close. I'm gonna hurt myself. I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head as we approached the beach.

The night air was cool, would be perfect for the bonfire I knew was currently blazing. That was a good thing about the parties on the beach, you're not in some ones house, and if you need a breather you can just walk away and not have to worry about walking onto some ones property. Plus there's no nosey neighbors to call the cops.

I pulled into the makeshift parking lot and parked the truck, Ruby had been riding in the middle between Dylan and I, the urge to wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me had been almost irresistible. But now I wouldn't have to hide it at all, I would be the best damn actor this town had ever known, because I wouldn't be acting at all.

As we walked closer to the large group of people I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together, "gotta make it believable." I whispered into her ear just loud enough for her to hear. The usual crowd of people surrounded on the beach, basking in the glow of the fire, drinking, dancing, just enjoying one another. Some people, mainly surfers, were in the water still as there was half an hour left of sun they wanted to use before they had to return from the surf.

I could hear people murmuring, feel people staring into the side of my face, at our hands enclosed together. Acting like I could never ever form a relationship with someone other than Dylan, and that's why I didn't like any of these people. They form this idea about someone and they didn't let go of it until proved false. Well maybe this summer I could prove to them that I can care about someone other than myself, and not end up hurting her in return. After all, it's Ruby.

Dylan led us over to our usual group, two guys and a girl. The two guys would be John and Finn, John worked at the marina, he did a lot of the cash register and stocking kind of stuff, he was saving up for a boat himself and he would help Dyl and me towards the end of the season to get as much as we could done. Finn's name fit him perfectly, he was a shark enthusiast, in his second year of college for marine biology he's also a gear head though, loves to be under the hood of a car. The girl would be Dana, Dylan's younger sister-that alone should explain everything about the poor girl.

John's eyebrows skyrocketed when he saw my hand laced with Ruby's. But there was a difference between him being surprised and the rest of the crowd, John was my friend, he understood why I don't quite put myself out there with people. "What a surprise, my man finally makes an appearance at a party and he's got a girl."

"Well at least we know why he wasn't showing up." Dana said wiggling her eyebrows.

"So darling what's your name?" John asked pulling Dana into his side, they were a weird on and off thing.

"Ruby." She smiled a breathtaking smile at the rest of my friends making me want to claim her as mine that much more.

"I still can't believe it." Finn muttered, eyes not moving from our conjoined hands, "I thought people were joking but here she is."

"Finn." Dana muttered elbowing him in the ribs.

"What it's not like he's ever brought anyone around us before."

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