Possession of the Alpha (The International Meeting)

Start from the beginning

"Okay,I'll see you at 8 then" I nodded as she turned to exit the room and go to the lift. I watched her go then grabbed my phone and walked to my office to start the pile of paperwork I had....ugh being alpha can seriously be a pain at times.

Hazels P.O.V

I was quite upset that Josh couldn't get breakfast with me,but it wasn't a biggie. I knew he was busy and the sooner he got it done the sooner I could see him properly. I didn't bother taking the lift this morning as if I ran into anyone I'd probably snap at them. I took the steps 2 at a time and when I reached the bottom ran into the kitchen,I was really hungry and I don't think a few pop tarts would do it for me today. I looked in the cupboards to see they fruit loaf,I jumped a little....I love fruit loaf! I grabbed it quickly and searched in the draws for a knife to cut it. I found one relatively quickly and cut afew thick slices,then popped then into the toaster. They had butter already on the side so got it out ready to spread as soon as the toast was done. I had to spread it as soon as it came out so it would melt...oh there's nothing like melted butter on fruit loaf toast. I felt a spot of drool spilling from my lip at the thought,I was seriously a secret eater.

I thought about all the different types of toast I've had,cinnamon,fruit,brown,white,blueberry,French and whole meal. Mmmmm

The toaster suddenly bounced up as the fruit smell hit me. I felt my knees go weak as the scent swirled around my nose,it smelt so good. I grabbed the toast and threw it on the plate I'd gotten out,I had the butter out already so dragged the knife across it and spread it across the bread quickly. I'd spread both pieces now so hopped over to the lounge to eat.

It had been a while since I'd watched T.V so decided to do that. I roughly knew how to use the T.V here so clicked the red button on the remote. The T.V flashed on so I left it on the channel that it was on....there's nothing wrong with abit of Disney Channel now is there?


Id finished my toast and was sitting quietly watching "Shake it up" when someone suddenly jumped on me shouting.

"Hazel!" I struggle to see who it is and come face to face with a beaming Kasey. I laugh and scruff up her hair with my hands,making her scream again. She wriggles about on my lap,while I try to push her off,bare in mind we were both still in stitches laughing. I manage to catch her off guard and push her off the couch and onto the floor,I laughed so much when I saw her face,she wasn't hurt but was definitely shocked. My chest starts to bounce from we're I'm laughing so much and eventually my whole body does the same. My body moved involuntarily and I find myself beside Kasey on the floor. She laughs even harder so now were both rolling on the floor laughing together.

"Yes girl on girl!" Chases voice interrupts us and were silent for a second. Both me and Kasey turn to each other looking confused,I see her lip quiver trying not to laugh again....that made me lose it. I burst out again and Kasey joins me,I don't even know what was so funny! After about 5 minutes chase suddenly interrupts again.

"I actually came because the pack meeting is about to start and Josh wanted you to meet him in his office" his tone was now deadly serious,me and Kasey snap out of it and scramble off the floor a fast as we could. Kasey runs to chase and kisses him gently,they had been together for a little while no and honestly I think he really like her. I rush past them both,smiling on the way past. I click the button and hop around impatiently for the elevator to arrive,once it does I jump when josh is standing there. I wasn't concentrating and only noticed him when I was about to step in so we were literally face to face.

"You ready?" He snickers,flashing his pearly teeth. He was so hot,I was seriously lucky. I nodded and took his hand as he walked us towards the meeting hall. Everyone was already in there by this point so every head was facing us as we walked toward the stage. Josh went up before me and I followed nervously. Even through this would be the second time I've been up here I'm still really scared about this whole thing. Every set of eyes was staring at either Josh or me with expectation glimmering there very visibly. Josh began and I just listened.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now