Flat as a pancake

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Mary was too old to play with her younger sister, she just couldn’t figure out why her parents treated her like such a kid. She was twelve and a half, practically thirteen already, which meant that she was a teenager and it was considered very lame for her to hang with her nine year old baby sister. She could just imagine what her friends would say when they found out that she, the leader of the pack, was actually spending time with her baby sister. She had already seen what they had done to their ex leader, Brittany, for still spending time with her parents because her mom was diagnosed with a brain tuber and didn’t have much longer to live.

She couldn’t believe it, her mom was dying yet they still treated Brittany like she was sleeping with the enemy. Mary could remember back when she used to love to hang out with her baby sister, but that was before Lucy; her sister; found out what really gets on her nerves. It was Mary’s 10th birthday and the plan was to have the best birthday ever being as she had just reached double digits, because you know parents and how they make a big deal out of every little thing. First thing on the list was an autograph from Annette Funacheallo, who was famous for being in children cartoons including Mickey Mouse.

She couldn’t believe she was meeting her role model but she was, and so to show her appreciation she gave her mom and dad a big hug and kiss to let them know that she just couldn’t be happier one bit. Then that’s when it happened, Lucy; who was six at the time, decided it would be fun to throw her stuffed giraffe onto the ground right behind Annette which ended up hitting a red button that had many words but one in particular that said ‘dangerous’. Hitting the button then triggered a wire to be given a lot of slack which was connected to a grand piano then let go of its grip on the piano and it fell right on top of Annette, flattening her like a pancake. Mary cried for months and she vowed that day that she would never forgive Lucy for what she did, even if it was an accident.

Still every other part about that day was going swimmingly until the death of her most favorite person in the world of course. The next day she went to school it was all over the news and all her classmates knew and felt so sorry for her, and that’s when she was accepted into the clique. The clique was the most popular group in school and they had the power to ban anyone and everyone from the building for eternity.

Since they were rich, well their parents were rich, they had all the money in the world and could buy anything they wanted, and they each had their own credit cards which they used to buy the most expensive of all commercialized items. Though Mary didn’t know at the time that she was practically selling her soul to the devil. Lucy could tell that her sister had changed from a watcher to a shower in just a few years and she was very scared for her sister, so she decided to get together with her friends and hatch a plan to stop her sister from getting any worse.

“How about we tie her up and put her in the trunk and then drive her off the edge of the cliff?” Susie asked the group. “There are many things wrong with that, but the main reason is that none of us can drive.” Kylie stated back to Susie. Then Lucy had it, she knew what had to be done, but she couldn’t pull it off alone so she signaled with her finger to form a group huddle and then whispered to everyone what she had in mind to help save Mary. That night was Mary’s 13th birthday and it was the perfect place to pull off what needed to be done. They gathered up all of the family photos and made copies then assembled them into a collage for a distraction. Mary had picked up the piece of paper just as they had planned, it was like she was froze there from amazement as to why her sister would put this together for her especially since she was so mean to Lucy. That’s when Lucy gave the signal, she twitched her upper lip which made her nose wiggle like a bunny’s tail and Susie then pulled a rope which then kicked a wooden foot into a plastic baseball. The baseball then rolled down the gutter on the outside of the house and when reaching the ground landed on a sensory. The sensory then set off the computer which then set a signal to outer space and back down to earth, right into Mary’s purse.

The signal was so powerful that it set the purse on fire, but not everything was burned, her cell phone then grew legs and teeth and attacked Mary scaring her half to death. There she was rolling on the ground back and forth trying to put out the fire while her phone was attacking her. She begged for help over and over again, but this is what she needed, was to be taught a lesson. Lucy was sure going to miss her sister but she knew that once the cell phone stopped, that was the key in discovering weather Mary was still alive or not. The cell phones mission was to destroy Mary or die trying. At that time, their parents came outside because they had heard all the screaming and then saw that Mary was on fire.

They also saw that no one was doing anything to help so they grabbed a water hose and turned on the faucet but no water had come out. Kylie made sure that she turned all the water off manually so that no one could help Mary. Eventually Mary stopped rolling around and the phone then fell to the ground losing its legs and teeth that it had grown only a few minutes before. Lucy couldn’t help but smile; she had done what needed to be done.

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