Murphy's Law

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It was a dark night and the leaves had just begun to fall from the oak tree outside of Kyle’s window. The leaves were a brownish color with a tint of yellow as they fell to the ground touching the green silky grass. Kyle had never actually seen a leaf fall before though he had seen plenty of leaves scattered all around town. It was a settle town or at least it used to be, but ever since the tornado hit, everything was a disaster. The only thing the tornado didn’t touch was the water and still everyone was thankful for that. Just as the leaves were hitting the ground Kyle heard a strange noise coming from outside.

Carefully sneaking out of bed, he slipped on his blue fuzzy slippers and snuck into the hallway. As he walked through the hallway he noticed all of the pictures and nick-knacks that were aligned on all the shelves and tables. Kyle was being distracted by one picture in particular, it was of him and his family, Kyle hadn't seen his family for over a month now and was starting to give up hope. He watched his mother, father, and brother; Clark; get carried away by the thieves who were trying to rob his family’s home.

Kyle was hiding in the wall with the Murphy bed when it all happened. There had been a previous hole drilled into the wall so that if anyone was locked in the wall they could yell for help. Kyle’s dad had to drill it because Kyle had gone missing for almost three days and was dying of thirst when they finally found him in the wall. What had happened was Kyle was so young and so light that the Murphy bed shot right back up into the wall in the middle of the night. No one knew that it shot up because everyone had their ears plugged with either earphones or just ear plugs.

The walls were so thick that even though Kyle screamed for help they could not hear him. The night they were getting robbed was the night they all fell asleep on the couch watching a copy of 'Dawn of the Dead' from the movie rental place in town. They woke to the static of the TV which either meant the movie was over or someone had just watched a copy of samara’s evil video tape. They knew that they had been asleep for at least three hours and since they all had a busy day the next day they decided to turn in for the night.

Kyle didn’t always brush his teeth so he went to bed right away. His family was very poor so he had to sleep on a murphy bed in the living room. The others were busy getting ready for bed when they heard a loud bang; they went to go check on Kyle to make sure he was alright when they realized they were not alone. Kyle could see the whole thing and he decided that the best thing to do was remain quiet so he would stay safe. The strangers threw some glowing rocks towards his family making them land on the floor only inches away from their feet. They then all fell to the ground like they had just passed out from hunger. Each stranger grabbed a family member and stuffed them into three separate body bags and locked the zippers with padlocks.

Kyle watched his family get kidnapped by three masked strangers and now he was living with his aunt and uncle on their farm in Arkansas. His aunt and uncle were not the best of people but he realized they were nice enough to accept him into their care, so they must love him. Their farm house was considerably huge for a farm house. It was almost as if it was a mansion, just without all the money. They had five and a half bathrooms, three family rooms, two living rooms, and thirteen bedrooms. Out of all the bedrooms Kyle had to choose from he chose the attic, not because he was use to separation from the rest of the family but because he felt like he needed to distance himself until he was prepared to deal with the fact that his family might not make it back alive.

The police were doing all they could do but with little help from Kyle in describing the kidnappers, they didn’t have a whole lot to go on. Kyle had been on edge lately ever since the incident and hearing noises in the night did not help one bit. For each step he took was another thought that went through his head on what the noise might be. Shadows surrounded his every move and the noise grew louder the closer he got to the first check point. The hallway bathroom light was always left on because Kyle’s uncle had the bladder of a cat and had to go pee every hour on the dot. 'Could it be Uncle Toni or maybe Aunt Alex?' he thought to himself.

At that moment he then noticed that his slippers made a high pitch squeaky noise that could warn any stranger that is in his home. He quickly and quietly decided to slowly take off his slippers and walk barefoot the rest of the way. The reason why Kyle had worn slippers in the first place was because the floor was the kind of linoleum that made you go stiff from how cold it felt on your feet. As soon as his left foot even barely brushed up against the floor he whimpered out a shriek that was so loud he knew that the stranger heard him this time. He quickly ran back into the attic where his room was, jumped into bed and hid under the covers; but with his bed being so old the metal couldn’t take the jump and fell to a million pieces.

Kyle heard footsteps so loud that they were identified as stomps; he shook like he had just seen a ghost. "Kyle, are you okay?" he heard a voice ask as he scared himself to death.

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