Chapter 1

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**If you are reading this, THANKS!! It's the first story I am publishing here. So, I would love your feedback. Okay then, READ AWAY!

Oh Alex..yes baby..aaah..that’s are sooooo good..


“What the fuck!!!” I woke up spluttering. I was soaked to the bone in ice cold water.

I immediately guessed who the culprit was. I moved my hair out of my eyes and turned to glare at Logan, a.k.a. my next door neighbour, a.k.a. my best friend, a.k.a. my worst enemy in the mornings.

“Why the fuck would you do that, Potter?” I only called him that when I was pissed at him, like now for instance. I knew how Logan hated his surname. I would too, if I had the same last name as ‘the boy who lived’.

“A very good morning to you too, Madison.” Logan smirked, putting down the empty bucket on my bedroom floor. Oh how I hated this guy. He sure knew how to push my buttons. He knew how freaking much I hated being forced to wake up so early in the morning. He knew how much I detested cold water. He also knew very well that I hated my full name as much as Logan hated his surname.

“Stop being an ass.” I growled at him. How can someone look so damn fresh at..I turned to my bedroom clock..bloody 7 in the morning!!!

“What’s wrong Maddie? You were already having a wet dream about Alex-the asshole. I just got you wet for real.”

“Don’t call him that! And I wasn’t having some stinking wet dream. Have you lost it? I am not that much of a despo.” Logan hated Alex for some reason. Maybe it was his big-brotherly protective streak that made him so antagonistic  towards my poor crush.

“Really? Oh Alex..that’s right are soooooo good..” Logan spoke in a high-pitched squeeky voice, that let me tell you, in no way did resemble mine.

“Fuck you, Logan. Get your mind out of the gutter. I was dreaming that Alex and I were married and he was giving me a foot massage after my tiring day of work at the National Science Laboratory.”

Logan stared at me for a minute and then burst out laughing. “Only you, Maddie..only you would dream of something like that. God! You are like a 12 year old geeky girl with a crush.”

“Shut up and tell me why you thought of giving me a bath in bed?”

“Because dear Madison, it’s 7.15 already. School starts in 45 minutes. So if you don’t want to make it to the tardy list on your very first day back to school, you need to get your ass out of that bed RIGHT NOW.”

Oh yeah. Today we were starting our year 12 in Parkview High School. One more year, then off to college. Wuhuuuu! In case, you didn’t already know, I want to become a scientist and find the cure of cancer. That’s my one dream in life. Oh that and marrying Alex and living happily ever after with him.

“Fine, I am up. Now get out. I will see you downstairs in 45 minutes.”

Shit! I lost my virginity to my best friend!!!Where stories live. Discover now