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We continued to walk to the huge lounge I was dressed into (pic above) it was near nightime so I got dressed into that a grin crept up to my face "Let's play a prank" "Continue" Katelyn said sounding amused "the guys are upstairs" they nodded "Some of them seem to like us, let's go in and set an alarm we will pretend we are asleep while where in their room I wanna see their faces" they all smirked we opened the door their where three spare couches Katelyn set the alarm we had five seconds to prepare it went off I set my arms in my stomach crossed my legs lying down I had one eye open just enough to see out off they all woke up and saw us they began talking "Dude why are the girls in here?" they all turned their attention to us "I have no idea" it sounds like Ross everyone was now facing me I saw Katelyn get up behind them "hey guys why aren't they in bed with us then?" I was shocked Katelyn punched the one that said it "Because we just pranked you, you sick pri-" Katelyn calm down " I said "Yes that's all it was just a prank bro" they all sighed in relief "anyway goodnight" I said pretending to close my eyes I opened them back up "Just kidding I said we said goodnight and went to bed

Hope you enjoyed the fourth chapter baii

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