The Teenage Spark

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Dedicated to benaddict31

Love is in the air so I hold my breath till my face turns purple. I love this quote because I can actually relate to it as being in love sucks. It ruins your mind completely and makes you feel terrible if you can't be with the one you love. I had always thought that someday a guy will come in my life who would love me unconditionally but that never happened. Having a crush on someone is the most horrible yet wonderful phase of your life as you feel like you are living in your dream world with the one you love. It seems as if your crush is the brightest star under the sunlight and whenever you see him it seems as if he is the solution to all your problems. But darling you are wrong. He is not the solution to your problems, he is the problem. When reality hits you and you realize that your crush doesn't even know you exist or he doesn't like you, it makes you feel as if your dream world has been crushed. It is the most painful experience of your life and I hope that you never have a crush on someone. I don't know what love really is but when I saw him I just felt like he is the most handsome guy on earth and all I ever want was to be with him. Even if he tells you on your face that he doesn't like you then also you just can't stop loving him. Unfortunately in the most cases I have ever heard in my life people never end up with their crush so I think people should stop having a crush on anybody so that at least they don't break their heart and can live peacefully. Next time you ever feel you are going to develop some feelings for a person just walk in the other direction and never fall in this trap. Best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one. This will save you a lot of time which can be used productively instead of thinking about a person you can never be with.

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