Chapter 11

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J-dog's POV

"J-J." Johnny said softly "What did you just say."

"I said fuck you!" I yelled

"You don't use that fucking language!" Johnny raised his voice

"Well guess what George, I just fucking did." I got out of my bunk

Everyone's mouth was open

"Get in your bunk, Jorel." Johnny grabbed my arm

"You can't tell me what to do, you Faggot" I pushed his hand off (Sorry if you were offended)

"What did you just call me?" 

I ignored him and ran out of the bus


Johnny's POV

I groaned

"What the hell just happened?"

"J-J swore." Danny's face was blank

"I should have expected this." I sighed

"It's not your fault." Charlie put his hand on my shoulder

"Yes, it is." I pushed his hand off "I'm going after him." I walked off the bus


J-Dog's POV

I walked the streets of San Diego. Where am I? I looked around. People were walking around, smoking, kissing, drinking or talking. I started to get scared. I wish I didn't leave. I just want Johnny. Someone walked up to me

"H-Hey Kid." He was shaking

"H-Hi." I backed away

"I'm not going to bite." He took a step closer

I looked down

"I just wanna talking to you."

I looked at him

"How much are you worth?" He looked at me

"W-What? What do you mean?"

"You gotta have a price. I'd pay $100 for you."

"I don't know what you're talk about."

"How much to own you?"

"What do you mean!?"

"I want to own you." He looked into my eyes

"Why?" I yelled

"To do stuff with you."

I took a step back but he took a step closer to me.

"Now, Now, don't be afraid. I can take good care of you." He smirked

"N-No." I backed up till I hit a wall

The man kept coming closer


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