Now forgetting the nightmare, my mind traveled into the memories of that young wolf.

His name was Nuka.

Nuka was part of an Native American tribe, one of the last that were still able to shape shift..

We'd travel by plane all the way from my African pride to the Oklahoma Native American reserves every year just to visit Nuka and his pride.

He was a nice wolf wasn't he? My cheetah questioned. Him and his pack.

Yea, he was a nice wolf. They were all were.

A sharp pang in my chest came with the memories of Nuka. Not only because I hadn't seen him in forever, but because I knew I never would again.

Nuka was dead.

Nuka and his pack were dead or packless because of me.

It wasn't our fault, my cheetah whined sadly. They didn't know how many wolves had us captured. They didn't know what those vile dogs were capable of.

They were torn apart. I remember hearing each individual scream and howl of pain.

I remember Nuka's death more vividly however, as it happened right in front of my eyes.

I was hiding in the shed, my long overgrown hair blanketing over my fourteen year old form as I cowered in the corner.

Before Nuka's pack had attacked as a rescue for me, I had been sleeping soundly in my "room".

Then there was a howl of alarm and suddenly I was grabbed by the horrible alpha wolf and dragged across the old mansion into the very same shed.

It was hours before the door was knudged open, and surprisingly, a white wolf stood there.

"Nuka!" I had yelled, for it was surely him. No other wolf possessed his snow white fur that made his vivid different colored blue and brown eyes stand out in such an unique contrast.

Nuka tilted his head a little before realization struck him.

He shifted so quickly I barely had time to shield my eyes.

I opened them slowly, and tried to focus on only the top half of Nuka's exposed body.

"Sabine. Oh my God it's really you!" He shouted quietly in surprise and relief.

"We weren't sure they had kept you this long, but we had to risk it. We've tracking them for years now and this was the first time we actually got a location. " His multicolored eyes roamed over me again. "It's been too long Sabine."

"Far too long Nuka."

I could feel tears welling in my eyes, but wiped them away, this was no time for tears, we had to escape.

The 17 year old and I shifted quickly, and my cheetah purred softly. It had been ages since she was allowed out.

We each evenly sprinted, although I could go faster than Nuka, I wouldn't leave him behind.

Or so I thought.

When the large light brown alpha pinned down poor Nuka, I knew our chance to escape peacefully was lost.

Nuka screamed mentally, ordering me to go away, that'd he be right behind me, so I fled.

The white wolf was only able to hold off the crazed opponent for nearly half a minute, until, finally, I heard the whine escape him, as well as loud crush of the neck.

Half the pack died letting me get away, letting me have a chance at life.

What a stupid choice.

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