Peach is a Cannibal

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Princess Peach eats her own kind...

Princess Peach pulled a shiny pink brush through her perfect golden hair. She smiled into the diamond encrusted mirror, and her flawless reflection smiled back.

Satisfied, Peach set down the brush and walked to her closet.

The lovely princess pulled open the pink doors and practically stepped into a different realm.

A realm of perfect clothes.

Peach brushed her golden hair behind her shoulder and picked up a pink silken dress with white lace around all the edges and a blue gem in between her breasts.

The princess slipped the dress over her head, without causing a hair to stick up on her perfect hair.

Peach sighed contentedly as she padded to her shoe closet.

Her shoe closet was inside her clothes closet.

Peach selected a pair of 4 inch shiny pink heels, that perfectly matched her dress and slipped them on.

The girl walked from the closet then out of the other closet, without stumbling once.

Peach pulled the pink doors closed and walked back to her brush and mirror. Running the brush through her hair a few more times, she placed the small golden crown on her head.

The princess grinned once more at her perfect reflection and walked from her palace of a room.

Her pink heels clicked as she walked down the hall, boys watching her every move.

Peach giggled and offered her many admirers a small wave then blew them a kiss.

The pink princess stopped at the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pushed aside the eggs and the milk and the orange juice then pulled out some fruit salad.

Carefully shutting the fridge door, she clicked out to the dining room.

Across the room Peach spotted the blue-green wearing princess, Rosalina.

"Hi!" The perky princess said to her friend. Rosalina gave Peach a smile then turned back to her yogurt.

The golden haired girl took a bite of fruit salad then let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgghhhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhhhhgh!!!!!!" The scream was perfectly high pitched.

At another table, Pit's glass cup shattered.

Every smasher in the dining room turned to look at the screaming princess.

Then smashers from everywhere else came running in, Mario in the lead.

The red-garbed plumber raced toward the princess he had saved, multiple times.

No one could here what the small man had said, over the scream still emitting from the princess.

After about 10 minutes, when everyone had either started cursing at her to shut up. Cough Samus Cough. Or walked away, holding their ears.

Peach finally stopped screaming. Then she starting bawling.

Link banged his head on the table, plugging his ears.

Mario rubbed the princesses back and she started to calm down.

*"what's wrong, princess?" The red capped man asked.

"OH, MARIO!! ITS TERRIBLE!" The girl screamed out.

"Shhhhhhh..." He said soothingly.

"...I..I ate a peach!!" She cried out.

"It was only an accident, now I'm a cannibal!"

"No, no princess. That's not how it works! Your name is Peach, but you are a princess. Say for example if you were to eat Princess Zelda-"

"I would kill you, and get my girl back." Interrupted the pissed off Hylian hero.

Zelda immediately took his hand and he calmed down. Some.

"Um, oh ok then. Let's just say if you ate a princess, not naming any names, or any other human for that matter, you would be a cannibal." Mario said.

The princess brightened immediately.

"Your right I was being stupid! Sorry everyone!" The perfect princess went back to eating.

Rosalina noticed that none of her friends makeup was smudged or smeared. She had a huge breakdown and she looked flawless.

"You better be paying for my hearing aids if I need them you little mother fu-"


Yay! I'm done with the first chapter! I'm sorry it was crappy and short, but I wanted to start with a different Peach scenario than her playing the boys. You can expect that a little later. Thank you so much for reading, and no! The Academy For Useless Super Heroes is not over!! I'm just writing multiple stories at once! Also... Happy Valentines Day! And Happy Birthday Alivia! (She's my friend)

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