Just then a duck came over and started biting and attacking Harry's foot and legs causing harry to howl out in pain, making me giggle. The duck kept at it until harry picked it up and plonked in down in the pond. He walked back over and sat down whole I was still laughing, this seemed to brighten his mood. I stopped 'stop it Sarah, hes keeping you captive. Whats wrong with you. Why do you have mixed emotions about him' my brain said " so I was wondering if you wanted to go to wall mart or somewhere and grab some series on DVD to watch?" I nodded as he grabbed my hand and walked toward the exit of the park.

When the exit was visible Harry spoke up "Sarah?" I looked toward Harry and gave him a small smile "While your staying with us we can be best friends. I want to get to know you better, I also don't want you to be afraid of me" I paused for a second, I could try and be friendly around them but I will never stop trying to escape"Fine I'll try my hardest" after I said that I remember Tia was with me 'face palm' I'm such a wonderful friend "Whats going on with Tia" I asked Harry as he signaled for a taxi "she's been with Louis , pretty much doing the same thing that we did" I nodded realizing she'll probably react similar to me.

When we arived I was suprised that Harry brought me to such a large place where I could easily escape, he leaned down closer to me "Yeah..., no your not going to escape I'll be holingonto ou the whole time" I sighed, damn you Mr Cullen, I menatlly laughed at my remark "I'm not Edward Cullen from Twilight" Harry said through clenched teeth. I laughed harder then something popped inot my head, this should be funny 'I wonder if he drinks animal blood or SPARKLY IN THE SUN!' Harry's jaw clenched and his hands turned into fists.

Once we reached the 'TV IN DVD' section i spoke up with the first thing that popped into my head making me instantly regret it "So are you naturally hot or being what you are made you look that way?"I blushed and wished I could take those words back, he smirked "So you think I'm hot, do you?" I blushed harder "I wasn't talking about my personal view but how every other girl see's you guys" I said playing with my golden necklace and browsed over the names of series, I picked up the box set of 'Vampire Diaries', 'Gossip Girl' and 'Family Guy'. ((A/N: THESE ARE SOME OF MY TOP FAV SERIES THAT IM TALKING ABOUT, IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THEM YOU SHOULD!!) While Harry on the other hand picked the boys choice of DVDS Game of thrones, True Blood and Sparticas season box pacts, I actually didn't mind the first 2 but Spartacus didn't really interest me.

Harry can I ask you a question ?" after he finished paying, we walked out and signaled for another cab "Only if I can ask you one?" he gave me one of his famous, well known smiles " Ok, me first. Why are we buying so many series?" i asked looking out the window at the bustling city life "Well, soon we'll be going somewhere, where you'll find watching TV very confusing.. oh and I know what your going to say and no I'm not telling you where that will be nor will I tell anyone else" when he finished talking he left me speechless "now for my question, why do you always were that necklace?" I looked down to the piece of gold around my neck "You'll think it's a silly story" i answered, a little embarrassed to tell him the story "please?"i sighed and started to tell him.

""When I was younger there was this guy that would always hang around a place where i would be at the time, one day I was at the park with my brother, the guy walked past and dropped the necklace, it's strange because after that day I always felt some amount of coldness and emotionless" I looked over at harry who had an emotionless expression "do you still feel that emptiness?"I shook my head and smiled at him "Ever since I came to England but I think that it was also because of the fresh start, more than anything else " his smile faded and looked out the window.

That's strange, I wonder what has gotten into him "Have you ever seen him since then?"he asked breaking the silence "No I don't think I ever will but in some way I don't mind if I ever see him again" now when I said that seemed to make things worse with him. We headed back into my new suit, when we entered Harry rushed in to his room and slammed the door making Louis almost jump off the couch. He looked at me with a confused look "What's gotten into him?" I shrugged on our way here he asked about my necklace and I answered him and then he got all pissy and stormed off""Oh, he'll clam down soon just let me talk to him, Tia's in my room bye you guys want to watch some thing on the TV" Louis said walking into harry room.

I walked into Louis's room. Tia was laying down on the bed, as soon as she saw me her face lit up into a smile "Sarah!" she jumped off the bed and pulled me into a death hug "Hey crunchie, what's up?" (A/N: THIS IS A NICKNAME I HAVE WITH MY FRIEND BECAUSE SHE HAS BROWN EYES AND HAIR BUT IS BLONDE ON THE INSIDE WHERE IM HONEYCOMBE BECAUSE IM JUST A BLONDE INSIDE AND OUT :P) she playfully smacked my arm "Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?" i nodded as we both sat down on the bed I handed her the bag "Harry and I went shopping " she looked through the bag and screamed and lunged at me to gave me a hug making my fall off the bed also making me let out a loud shreak, making the boys rush in, Tia an I burst into laughter, the boys grinned at us.

I looked over to Harry as I sat cross legged on the flour"So are you ok now?" i asked him "Yeah sorry Sarah, can you forgive me?" i nodded and smiled " so what were you girls screaming about anyways?" Louis asked "Well Tia and I always wanted the ox set for gossip girl and vampire diaries, and she gave me a hug making me fall of the bed in surprised" the guys laughed and walked out the room. Tia and I walked out , we went to our old suit to grab the rest of our stuff, when we finished with the boys help we closed the door and walked into our new one "So what would you girls want for diner?" I turned towards Tia who was deep in thought "What about noodle box?"I asked, Tia nodded while we sat down in the Lounge room and watched some shows that were on TV while the boys ordered.

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