Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

"Harry! Harry, wake up!" Someone yelled and my eyes flew open to see Liam, Zayn and Niall standing next to the bed.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, turning to look at the clock. 1:00am. "What are you guys doing here at this hour? You're gonna wake Lou.." I turned on my other side to point at him but he wasn't there. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Where is he?" I mumbled, looking at Liam, who nervously looked at Zayn.

 "Harry, Louis is in the hospital.." Liam said and instantly, I jumped out of bed, putting on sweat pants and a t-shirt.

"What are you waiting for?" I said impatiently and Liam sighed, leading us to the car. The car ride was silent and I didn't dare speak, for fear that if I did, the tears I was holding back would fall and not stop. Finally, I took a deep breath.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"He was in a car accident." Niall said, looking at me and my heart rate quickened even more.

"Is he ok? Is he bad?" My voice shook along with my hands and I clenched my hands into fists to stop the shaking.

 "We don't know." Zayn said as he turned around, giving me a sympathetic look and I let my tears fall, so many emotions filling me. I was angry, upset, frustrated...

"Harry..." I looked up from my lap.

 "We're here." We all got out of the car, Niall slinging an arm around my shoulders to probably try and hold me back from running in, and walked into the hospital.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Liam said as he approached the front desk. I looked around the room, feeling my insides turn; I hated hospitals. Liam led us down once of the halls and I felt myself get cold; this was the area for people in critical condition.

"Hurry! Get him into surgery!" I heard someone shout and I saw 5 doctors pushing a man on a stretcher. They pushed past us allowing me to get a glimpse of the man's face and my heart raced, tears stinging my eyes again.

"Louis!" I screamed and reached for the stretcher, feeling hands hold me back. "Let go! I have to be with him!" I cried, trying to break free of my restraints.

"Harry, you have to let them help him." Niall said in my ear and I felt my knees give out, causing me to fall to the floor with my face in my hands and tears splashing to the ground.

*   *    *                                          

 We were forced to go and wait in the waiting room until Louis was out of surgery. I can't even remember what the doctor said had happened; I was in tears the whole time. I sat in the chair, against my wishes with my legs and hands shaking. What was taking them so long? Was Louis ok? I just wanted to be with him...

 "Are you the friends of Louis Tomlinson?" Before anyone could say anything, I was on my feet, my heart pounding so loud I'm sure everyone heard it.

 "Yes, we are." She gave me a small smile.

"He's out of surgery. He ha-"

 "What room?" I cut her off, wanting nothing other than to see him.

"106, but sir-" I walked down the hall, following the signs. Louis was still in the critical care area and it scared the shit out of me. I found his room, taking a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. As soon as I stepped foot in that room, my heart dropped to the floor, tears falling from my eyes and my knees got weak. Louis was hooked up to a machine and IVs... he had a bandage wrapped around his head and ribcage, his face was cut up pretty bad... and he wasn't awake. I choked back a sob as I walked over to his bed, pulling up a chair to sit in. I grabbed his hand, flinching at how cold he felt, and intertwined our fingers.

"Lou... why'd this happen to you?" Tears fell from my face, soaking the front of my shirt. "Please wake up, baby... I need you to tell me you're ok..." I rested my forehead against our joined hands and let the tears fall. I heard the other boys come in, but I didn't bother looking up; I didn't care about them right now.

"Harry?"  Liam's voice echoed throughout the room, "Harry, we can't stay right now..." He said and grabbed my arm gently.

"No. I'm not leaving." I growled, tensing up and Liam removed his hand, leaving the room with the other two. Did they not understand how I was feeling? I squeezed his hand, tears falling faster when he didn't squeeze back. "I love you so much Lou...Please wake up.."

  *   *   *

  About 3 hours later, I woke up to see a clock flashing 5:25am. I groaned; I was still tired, but I refused to fall back asleep. Reluctantly, my eyes wandered to Louis' face, finding that nothing had changed.  Tears instantly sprung to my eyes and I softly stroked the top of his hand.

"Lou, I love you.. You have to wake up." Then the steady beat of the machine that had been filling the room, went flat. "No, no, no, no, LOU!" I frantically pressed the emergency button that called a nurse. "Lou, come on! Stay with me! Our 3 year anniversary is tomorrow, you have to be there for it! Please, don't leave me!!" I cried out, a waterfall of tears flowing from my eyes. "You promised you'd never leave me!" A pair of hands grabbed my and dragged me out of the room as nurses rushed in. "NO! Don't take me away from him!" I screamed, clawing at the arms holding me.

"Harry, Harry, its ok." Zayn said, pulling me into a hug, squeezing tightly and I buried my head in his shoulder. The nurses had shut the door so I couldn't even hear what was going on. I ended up sitting against the wall, my forehead resting on my knees, waiting for the nurses to come out. The door finally creaked open and my head shot up and I was on my feet. All four of us crowded around the nurse that had come out and she took a slow, deep breath.

 "I'm sorry, we did everything we could." My heart ripped in two... "He's gone." The final two words rung through my ears and with those two words, I felt my whole world stop and come crashing down.

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