Chapter 2

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I awoke from a pleasant slumber. I woke up earlier than usual, so I just laid my head back and thought. I thought about why I woke up so early. Was it the dream I had? Was it because it was about my low life piece of shit father? I was thinking about it when I realized I wasn’t thinking about HER. I can say she was out of my head for a good five seconds. But as always she came back crawling into my head.

I wonder if I’ll ever see her again? Ha! That’s probably not going to happen. Wait! I have guitar lessons today! She might be there. Right? I mean, she’s bound to. I hope she is.

“Honey? What are you doing up so early?” My mom asked still half asleep.

“I had a nightmare. Plus it’s only 5:30 I usually wake up at 6 anyway.”

“Well start getting ready for school.”

“Right away mother.”

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my frizzy untamable hair. As usual I did my daily routine. It took me an entire hour to get ready. Mainly because all my jeans were dirty. I just grabbed whatever from the back of the closet and tossed it on.

As usual I went to my bus stop and almost immediately the bus came.

I climbed up the stairs of the bus and took my usual seat. I blasted my ipod and ignored the world.

The same guys came in and just looked at me and took the seat next to me.

“So you really are gay?” asked one of them.

“What’s it to you?” I scoffed.

“That’s fucking hot!”

“Listen, don’t think that just because a girl’s gay she’s going to make out with another girl to get guys all riled up. And don’t think that because she’s bi she’s going to want a threesome.”

He looked confused.

“Point is…. if the girls gay it means she wants absolutely nothing to do with you! And if you keep pushing it…like you’re doing right now, you’ll get you’re face rearranged.” I said keeping my voice as low as possible.

“Now, being the calm and bigger person I’m going to let you move to another seat. I’m going to give you the chance to move and stay in a seat that will keep you safe. I’d recommend the one behind the driver.” I said with a devilish grin.

He looked scared and moved to the front of the bus. I sat back and realized everyone had a scared look on their face.

I didn’t care. It’s not like I know these people.

I came off the bus trying hard not to laugh at their expressions. I walked to the emo cave and met up with Aaron.


“What the hell is wrong with you!” he snapped.

I jumped back and saw Kris run towards me.

“Hey bitch!” She said as she punched my arm.

“What the hell guys!” I yelled covering my arm.

“Thanks a lot for answering our texts! I was worried sick!” Aaron yelled.

“Well sorry mom! I wasn’t in the mood.”

“Well, you could’ve just said that. I was thinking you were raped or something!”

“You always do Aaron.” I said with a smirk.

“The point is that we care about you, love. We don’t want anything to happen to you.” Kris said grabbing my hand.

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