Day 2

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Day 2 was the day that she would be teased by her friends. "Who's the new guy?" They smothered her with gossip and questions. She laughed and answered them all with glee. Once he was nearby, her friends would give each other the look and pushed her towards him. Day 2 was just the start of something new.

Fate yelped as her friends 'nudged' her. She fumbled back and was caught by a pair of strong arms.
"Oh. H-hi!"
Fate was nervous for some reason. She had never been so close to a guy before.
"Go Fate!"
She blushed as her friends cheer her from behind.
"Sorry for my friends." She laughed and got up and out of his grasp.
"Oh, they're alright. You girls seem to be close." He said.
"Yeah. We are! We grew up together and everything!" She enthusiastically replied.
"That's great." He smiled.
Her heart skipped a beat.
"What was that?" Fate wondered to herself. She brushed it off and continued the conversation with Vitae, much to the delight of her friends, who were taking pictures in the background.

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