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Dedicated to: Mischief8Managed

Jilly is a Cannon Ship (JamesxLily)

It is James Potter & Lily Potter (née Evans) from the Book and Movie Franchise Harry Potter.

James Potter: He is a Pureblood Wizard, who went to school with Remus; Sirius, and Peter. He had a crush on Lily Evans, who he has frequently asking her out; bullying her childhood friend Severus Snape. In 6th-7th year they dated, and eventually got married; having their son, Harry Potter. They died October 31st, 1981; by the hand of the main Villan Voldemort.

Lily Potter (née Evans): She is a Muggleborn Witch, who was friends with Severus, James, Sirius; Remus, and Peter (there were more, but I'm focusing on main). She was frequently asked out by James, which she would decline; I believe in her 5th year, Severus called Lily a Mudblood by accident... Ruining their close friendship. In her 6th-7th year, she finally accepted; and dated him, until they married...becoming Lily Potter. She had a son with James, named Harry Potter; but unfortunately, Her and James both died on October 31st, 1981

Rating: 9/10

Why I Ship it: Because James Persued Lily, even when she kept saying no; and Lily, still expected it for whatever reason. Jily is really cute. But I hate how he treated Severus, and used the Mudblood situation; for personal gain, I'm not starting a fight I just feel that's what he did. If James treated Severus differently, then I would rate it 10/10

I'm not saying, for James and Severus to be Friends; although I would rather that, but at least treat him better because Lily and him were friends. I believe If James apologized to Severus, I have a feeling; that Severus wouldn't have treated just Harry better, but James too.

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