He wanted to punch something, anything. This was killing him, he hated feeling like this.



Just a few of the adjectives that fit him, he loved his little girl with everything he had and when he saw her picture and felt nothing, Cheryl his therapist having to remind him that it was his daughter was devastating.

He didn't find any comfort in knowing he successfully identified her later in the session, how could he forget her? She was the center of his world, and he forgot her.

He'd never forgive himself, brain injury or not.

"Oh, Princess" Kim spoke softly as she cradled Lily against her chest, the little girl burning up and in obvious discomfort.

She had attempted to take her temp, but Lily had fought her on it. She was barely holding it together herself, she felt helpless. Seeing Lily so upset was unbearable, she was desperate to help her.

"I'm calling daddy, baby" she set the screaming infant in her crib and dialed his number.

Adam rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "Hello?" He answered gruffly, he could hear LJ screaming in the background, "Kim? What's wrong?"

Kim wiped her eyes with her sleeve, "Something is wrong with Lily, Adam she's burning up and she won't stop crying" she told him through her tears, "I don't know what to do"

Adam started getting dressed, "Hang tight, I'm on my way" he told her, before hanging up, and out the door in less than five minutes.

He charged through the door, Lily's cries filling the apartment, "Hey, let me have her" Adam held his hands out to receive the baby, "Shit, Kim she's on fire" her cheeks flushed, her body shook with sobs, "did you call the doctor?"

Kim folded her arms across her body, "Not yet, I was thinking we'd just take her to the hospital" at only six weeks old she knew it was more than just a fever, that it could be a serious condition.

Adam nodded, "I think you're right"

Kim started packing a bag, "Let's go" happy with the items she packed she followed Adam out to his truck.

They had just pulled in front of the hospital when Kim's worst fears had come to fruition, "Adam..."

Adam looked over his shoulder in to the back seat, "What?"

Kim looked terrible, "I think she's having a seizure" she said through muffled sobs.

Adam flew out of the driver's seat and grabbed the now convulsing infant from Kim and charged into the emergency room.

"Help!! I need help!" He screamed.

Will Halstead turning the corner almost barreling into Adam, "Hey, what's wrong?" It was then he noticed the little girl in the midst of a full blown seizure, "give her to me!" He demanded taking the infant from Adam.

Adam felt as if he'd throw up, Kim catching up to him. She had his hand in a death grip, "Will, what's wrong with her?" He attempted to follow him into the exam room.

"You need to wait out here" a nurse told them.

"No! She's my daughter. I want to be with her" Adam tried pleading with her.

"I know you do, but Dr.Halstead needs to examine her and that means you both stay out here" she told them, she pointed towards a row of chairs, "go have a seat, someone will update you shortly"

Adam knew it was useless to argue with her, and that she needed to be in the room with Will, that his daughter needed all the help she could get.

"I'm scared..." Kim said softly, resting her head against his chest, her arms holding him tightly, as if she needed him to sustain life.

"Me too, baby, me too" he kissed the top of her head.

He'd never experienced fear like this before, it was an all consuming fear. One that made him sick to his stomach and he hoped it would subside soon.

He hoped his little girl would be okay...


Plans fell through, so this is how I spent the afternoon.

Only one chapter remaining.

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