Don't You Remember?

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She was bursting with joy and hoped Adam would wake up soon, she had so much to tell him.

Erin arrived with an early dinner, "Will is with Jay so I figured you could use some food that wasn't from the hospital cafeteria" the food was barely edible, "so, are you going to tell me how your appointment went?"

Kim smiled as she picked through the salad Erin brought, "Nope" she brought a forkful of food to her lips, "Kevin has been threatened with bodily harm if he tells anyone what it is" she wanted Adam to know before she told their friends.

"Shit..I'm dying to start shopping" Erin joked, "I understand though"

Kim looked over at a still sleeping Adam, "Hopefully it won't be too much longer" she was growing impatient and was desperate for him to wake up, the doctor had told her it could be awhile. That his body was still dealing with the affects of the sedation, and that she shouldn't be alarmed if he didn't wake up until the next day.

Erin stayed until the nurses kicked her out they'd begun enforcing the visiting hour policy since those who visited Adam rarely left and it was causing strife among the families of the other patients.

Kim took her nightly spot in the recliner Adam's daytime nurse Cortni had sent up and it was a thousand times better than the previous chair.

Everything pertaining to the baby's nursery had been put on hold and now with her due date creeping closer she knew she needed to get moving. She grabbed the laptop and started looking for a crib and other items.

Every few minutes she would glance over her shoulder, hoping to see Adam's eyes open, feeling a little deflated when he still remained sleeping.

Something was wrong, everything hurt.

Why did it hurt?

His throat dry and felt as if it was covered with sand paper, any attempt to swallow was met with excruciating pain.

The room wasn't that bright just the light from a small bedside lamp, and the soft glow of the television.

Where the hell was he? What had happened?

He struggled to remember, drawing nothing but a complete blank.

His vision focused on the woman in the chair, her laptop sitting precariously close to the edge of her lap, she looked tired.

He needed her to wake up, he was scared. He wasn't used to feeling scared but everything was so jumbled in his head, damn his head hurt.

He tried to speak, "Hey..." Had he not said the word himself he wouldn't believe that he spoke his voice wasn't audible, a mere whisper.

She didn't budge, "Hey.." He repeated, his voice sounded incredibly foreign to him, and just like the last time, no reaction.

He looked at the tray too his side, he struggled to pull it close and groaning in pain, his muscles tight and achy.

A water pitcher sat on the tray, he took his good hand and used all his energy to push it on the floor.

It landed with an awful crash and splash, as water covered the linoleum floor.

Kim jumped at the sound and felt her knees go weak, Adam was awake.

"Adam..." She covered her mouth with her hand, frozen in place, "baby..."

She went to his side, and stroked his cheek, "You're up.." She stated the obvious, she reached for the call button and pushed it three times in quick succession just as she had been directed earlier in the day.

A Night Outحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن