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"So, Adam Ruzek wants a girl?" Erin let her words sink in, "that's surprising, I thought for sure he'd want a boy"

Kim fished a chocolate chip from the bag, "I know, me too. He said a little girl would be just like me" she ran her fingers across her bump, "as long as it's healthy I don't care one way or another"

"How do you feel about joint custody? Can Adam even care for a baby?"

Kim laughed, "I don't have a clue, and I'm scared shitless. He has to go to parenting classes, we both do. So hopefully that'll help"

Erin folded her arms across her chest, "You can end all of this you know"

She didn't want to have this discussion, not again.

"He slept with someone" Kim announced, "twice, the same girl"

"Who?" Erin leaned forward, "when?"

Kim shook her head, "I don't know and don't want to know" she told her, his admission had hurt, "he swears it didn't mean anything, but I don't know"

"Kim, he loves you" Erin told her, her phone ringing, "hang on a second" she checked the caller ID, "it's Voight"

"Oh, fun" Kim remarked.

"Halstead!" Dr.Rhodes called into the on call room, "medics just brought your brother and his friend in, MVA"

Will felt his heart race, "Responsive?"

Dr.Rhodes shook his head no, "Both have been out since CFD arrived on scene, it was nasty, they needed the jaws to extract his friend."

"Who is it?" He asked as they raced to the trauma bay.

"The guy from intelligence, Adam something" he explained forgetting the man's last name, "Voight's notifying Erin and Adam's family" he explained, Matt Casey having called Voight from the scene.

Will gulped when he spotted Jay's battered body on the gurney, his face filled with cuts and his torso horrifically bruised, Will ran his fist over Jay's sternum.

Jay reacting to the pain, he shined his penlight in Jay's eyes happy with the response, "Jay, come on brother. Talk to me" Will pleaded.

Slowly he watched as Jay's eyelids fluttered open, "Hey, welcome back" Jay started to struggle, "You're fine, be still. We still need to rule out serious injuries, but you're okay. Erin is on her way" he told him.

Jay tried to speak from under the oxygen mask, "'s Adam?"

Will smiled softly, "I'm not sure. Dr.Rhodes is with him now" he told him, "you need to stop talking and calm down" his brother's heart rate becoming dangerously high.

Kim watched as the color drained from Erin's face and her normally stoic best friend looked anything but stoic.

Kim went to sit beside her, placing her hand on Erin's thigh, "Everything okay?"

Erin let the phone fall from her hand,"It's Jay...he's been in an accident"

Kim inhaled sharply, "is he okay?"

Erin struggled to speak, "I don't know...Kim, Adam was with him"

"No.." She clutched her stomach.

Somehow Erin managed to pull herself together, she helped Kim up from the couch, "We need to go, they took them to Med"

Kim nodded, "They need to be okay, My baby needs its daddy"


Super super short I know but I needed a buffer between chapters.

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