Chapter 9

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Heather's POV:


This boy will be the death of me!

I just wanna know one simple thing, but he freaking ignores me!

It's just a girl! Telling his best friend who she is won't do any harm!

I wish Ethan and I went to the same school so I would be able to kick his butt there tomorrow.

But I mean I guess not.

I was still lying in bed when he had already made me wanna chuck my phone at the wall. Since he gave me energy from being mad, I jumped up and charged downstairs like a madman.

I pounced into the kitchen, swung open the refrigerator door, ripped out the milk, slammed the door shut, then poured the milk into a bowl. I started storming back up the stairs when I heard a faint voice call to me from my mom's room.

I stopped in my tracks to find my mom standing in her doorway looking up at me. "Heather honey, are you alright?"

My mom's voice is so soft and quiet, it calmed me. "Yeah, just feeling kinda agitated at the moment."

"Well come down and talk to me honey," my mom motioned for me to walk back down the steps.

I walked down and stood in front of her. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Why are you agitated, darling?"

My mothers voice is so delicate. It makes me feel at peace. Suddenly, I was no longer raging. "Well, Ethan won't tell me something I really want to know, and it's just making me mad, that's all. It's no big deal mom."

"I knew he was bad news," she stated whilst rubbing her hands down my arms that were extended somewhat out, still grasping onto my bowl of cereal.

"He's not bad news, ma. He just won't tell me who he has a crush on."

"Oh dear, I thought for sure he had a crush on you!"

"I did too, mom."

"Do you like him?"

I took a deep breath in, and blinked a few times. "Uhm, I'm not sure. If the whole incident with Weston didn't happen, I probably would."

"Okay, good I was kinda scared that you were going through a heartbreak!" My mom sighed and laughed to herself. "Well, he will come out and tell you eventually, no need to stress! I know your father had a hard time telling me things too!"

I took a gulp and looked into my mom's eyes. "Why would you compare him to dad?"

"Hm, I really don't know. Let's just pretend I didn't say that!" She pat my shoulder then gently pushed my shoulder as of signaling I could leave now.

I turned around and started back to my room. Well, I didn't really feel mad anymore.


I turned to my mom to see she was still standing in the doorway.

"Yes mom?"

"I think you might want cereal with your milk."

"What?" I looked down at the bowl in my hands to see I hadn't even put cereal in my bowl. Just a whole bunch of milk. "Oh my goodness, thanks mom!" I laughed.

What is this boy doing to me? He made me forget my cereal!


It was around 8:00pm, and I was already kind of tired. I hadn't heard from Ethan all day. Then again, I didn't really hear from anybody. I am pretty unpopular, but still. It just felt like I was being avoided.

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