Getting saved.

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When I was about 7 I had gone to church that morning and the Sunday school lesson was the basic kind: if you don't accept Jesus as your savior you'll spend forever in hell. Ok, it was probably worded better then that. But anyway, I got freaked out by that (like a normal kid would) and that night my mom and I sat down on the sofa and I got saved!!!

Things didn't automatically change for me. I still was not a perfect child.

When I was about let's say...10 I got into the wonderful world of MineCraft. So that's how I spent most my time outside of school (I'm cyberschooled) and church. Now, not to brag, I'm pretty good at building Morden day houses on Minecraft! At our church we have this thing called Calvary Clubs. It's like Awannas but a different name. Get the idea? I went every Wednesday night and tried my best on verses. It ranges from grades 1 to 6.

As can be accepted when you hit 7th grade (my current grade) you go into youth group. Now, me being the shy slug I am just kept to myself the whole first day. I don't really know what had come over me since I knew ALL of these people from either being friends with them or my brothers being friends with them. Making me the person who wasn't shy to go and tease the senior boys about a embarrassing nickname I gave to then when they were 8! But, it just seemed like that kinda awkward first day moment where you feel like the most shy, awkward, clumsy, and weird person ever. Luckily I got over that (ok I'm still super shy but not in youth group) within the first 3 months and am now friends with everyone in there and constantly tease a friend of my brothers. He's an easy one to pick on.

Back to my walk with Christ,
as I mentioned before I'm cyberschooled, so as you would think I don't have any real life bullies. But cyber bullying...can almost be worse. As I learned first hand this year. Not only can you get cyber bullied for random things and studied stuff but you can get bullied for YOUR RELIGION. I know, shocking, right? I was on a MineCraft sever about a month ago (yeah, I still play that addicting game but not as much) and I was saying something about God to my sister through the chat (she wasn't in the same house as me at the time I was at a friends) and this guy started to harass me because of my beliefs. After about 20 minutes of going back and forth with him (never was I mean) he told my sister to go kill herself because her family probably didn't love her anyway. WHAT?! Does this guy even know that I'm her family?! I was so mad at him I wanted to chew him out then and there! But no. I live by this: If you fight a fire with fire, all you get is a bigger fire. So I replied with "maybe you should go rethink what you just said because it's not the Godly thing to say." Yes, I did that. But God placed those words in my heart. It was Gods work not mine. I don't know to this day what happened to the guy but I do know that God put some wisdom in my heart that day.


Next chapter is camp! So recent, it was only last week!

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