Chapter Forty-three

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir—"

"But first—" Bohai grinned widely and pointed at me, waving his hands elaborately. "Bow down to your Empress, fools."

The horror on all their faces was evident and I clearly saw the transition of shock to horror as the revelation of what they did settled in. They all instantly fell down to their knees, apologies filling the air as they pressed their hands on the ground. Even I couldn't help but smile while Bohai cackled loudly.

I never saw three people run as fast as those boys did when Bohai dismissed them.

"That was rather mean of you," I said when Bohai finished laughing by himself. He really was as mischievous as Fang had said he was. It made me think back to when Meilin accidentally stumbled upon me bathing when Bohai had told him that no one was inside, when clearly I had been in there. He liked stirring up people and toying with them, as Fang had said. Though, as much as I hated to admit it, I found the situation quite amusing.

Bohai's teeth flashed in his grin. "Just being a commander. Anyhow, anything you need?"

"Yes, I was looking for Meilin."

"He's in the War tactics room. He's alone I think."

"Thank you."

I left Bohai and made the long trek to the War tactics room. The thought of talking to Meilin stirred my emotions chaotically. He was in one of his moods, and when he wasn't pleased, it was hard to deal with him. I could only wonder what his reaction would be at hearing that I was with child. It didn't seem like the right time since the Vita incident, but that had happened a few weeks ago and yet Meilin was still furious about it, understandably. Still, since the execution had been held today, he was probably still holding onto the resentment and anger. I didn't blame him.

When I finally reached the room, I hesitated over the doorway before moving forward and knocking. It was silent. I knocked once more, and this time, I heard a gruff, "Come in."

I pushed the door open and slipped inside. Meilin was sitting behind the large table with ink and parchment in front of him. The various seats around the room were vacant and it was as Bohai said, empty save for him. His dark hair was tied back as usual and his pale skin was even paler, contrasting beautifully with his black eyes. Though I hadn't noticed it when he had been in the throne room, up close, I could see the shadows dancing beneath those onyx colored eyes of his. How much had he slept? Did he even sleep?

Meilin halted in what he was doing and instead stared at me as if he hadn't seen me in years. He stared at my face for the longest moment, the both of us not stepping closer to the other and instead inspecting one another. Although the situation wasn't fitting, my face flushed with color. My chest tightened and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

It had been such a long time since I saw his face. Those two months had dragged on so painfully slow. How many nights had I curled up in the bed, reaching out my hand to the spot where he was supposed to be at? How many times had I dreamed of those dark eyes of his? How long had I prayed and cried, wondering if he would return to me safely?

"Meilin . . . " I murmured without thinking. His name was all it took to break the two of us from the trance. My feet moved on their own and I was standing next to the table by him. My fingers flexed around the top of the empty chair and all words seemed to flee me as I watched the man I loved. "Meilin, I'm—"

"Come here."

The command was spoken softly. I obliged nonetheless until I was standing beside him. He hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. There, he placed his arms around me and uncharacteristically rested his head against my shoulder. It reminded me of the time when he had chosen me as his wife, where he had made me sit on his lap. Back then, however, I had been terrified of him and the prospect of having any sort of relationship with him. Now I was overwhelmed with feelings—sadness, longing, happiness.

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