Chapter 9

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I stumbled my way to the seventh floor and found the tapestry. All I could think was I need somewhere where I can breakdown as i ran past 3 times, almost tripping over my own fet when a small ornate door appeared in the empty wall. I yanked it open and fell into the room.

The walls were a delicate pale blue and in front of me was a huge sofa. I didn't get much beyond this as I collapsed in the chair and started sobbing in earnest. The reasonably safe home I had had for fifteen years which allowed me to life in luxury and comfort at the price of putting up with my family's facism was gone. I had no home, no family, no money and no hope. And what was worse, everyone knew. If fathe- I mean Lucius had wanted to ensure my complete public humiliation then he had got his wish.

I staying in that room sobbing until I had no more tears left to cry and I could assimilate some form of control over my violently shaking body. Eventually I dragged myself up from the sofa where I had been lying face down for the past few hours and into a small adjoining room which, as I had predicted, held a basin, toilet and shower.

I quickly splashed by face with cold water until my eyes were slightly less red and swollen. In a panic I glanced down at my watch, realising the time was 5 o'clock. Making a smap decision I decided that I wasn't going to my detention this evening. I already had enough on my plate without spending the evening with Umbitch.

On the other hand the DA was supposed to be meeting here tonight. I pulled the coin out of my pocket and saw that the numbers indicated the meeting to start at five thirty. Good, I was in the mood to blow shit up.

Seeing as I had half an hour to make myself appear decent I pulled out my wand and opened the window I found on the far side of the room. Standing back I said, 'Accio trunk,' quickly followed by, 'Accio Incredibly Dangerous Man Eater.'

Hoping that this would summon my owl and not some dangerous canivorous beast I sighed in relief when my belongings and Incredibly's cage flew through the window, followed by a rather indignant looking owl who apparently had been asleep before I so rudely summoned him.

Smiling shakily I rooted through my trunk until  I found some comfortable jeans and a loose polo shirt. Pulling them on I ran a hand through my mussed up hair and sighed. I really couldn't be bothered to sort my face out and its not like I had anything left to hide anymore.

To pass time I decided to explore the room where I would be spending most of my time from now on. The walls, as I first saw, were a pale blue, matching the cutains. The whole room had a slightly silvery feel, which I can only really describe as magical.

The 'common room' was furnished with a desk, a large comfortable sofa and a small fireplace, The floor was carpeted with a thick blue rug that my bare feet sunk into wonderfully.

Ignoring the small bathroom I had already seen i padded over to the other door. Inside was a nice but plainly furnished bedroom. The decor was similar to the main room and designed like the beds in the Slytherin common room; four poster with silky curtains and wide windows.

All in all it was calming and comfortable. I honestly would not mind being here for the rest of the year. I just hoped that none of the staff found out and forced me to move back into the Slytherin common room, because I doubted that I'd last a week.

At five twenty-five I stepped out into the hall, bringing with me my wand and shrugging on a jacket. It was almost Christmas and the halls of the castle whistled with a cold wind.

After a couple of minutes people started showing up, a mix of Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. Unsurprisingly, I was the only Slytherin there. Most people gave me sympathetic looks and I could tell this was something I was going to quickly find very fustrating. I was just considering leaving when a hand clasped my shoulder. I span round to find Hermione beaming.

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