Chapter 2

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Ben POV-

The next few days were spent mostly at home relaxing since Warped Tour was just a few months away and rehearsals would start once Danny gets back. As much as I hate to admit it though, not having Danny around is kinda boring. He would wake up at random hours of the night for sex or food.. or both. But I guess the thing I miss the most is just knowing he's here to help me out whenever I need him. 

Just as I could feel my mood dropping, my phone vibrated and Danny's phone number was shown on the screen. I grabbed the device, pressing the green button,


"Hey Benny-Baby, Missin' me yet?" He laughed down the other end of the phone.

"You wish.. How's the holiday anyway?" I asked, laying back down on the bed, running my fingers through my messy hair.

"Fucking ace, but Ben.. There's something I've gotta talk to you about and it's pretty important" he sounded more serious than usual, which made me nervous. I heard some rustling and a few voices in the background, "Ah shit.. I've gotta go. I'll have to call you later, okay? Bye" he replied quickly before abruptly hanging up.

I blinked rapidly at the 'call ended' screen before my phone started vibrating again. What the hell is going on today?


"Ben, It's Cam. Me and the guys have been talking over the last few days and we wanted to talk to you about this new album plan.." he sighed heavily from the other end of the phone and I knew what he was referring to. 

"I'm working on it with Danny and I am trying to convince him to get back to the heavier music, but you know how stubborn he can be sometimes.." 

"Ben.. I'll trust your judgement for now.. But I don't know if Danny will stick with the band much longer.." Cameron said the last part in a whisper which made my heart sink. But there's no way Danny would ever leave Asking Alexandria.. Right?

"What do you mean, Cam..?" I asked, moving to the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor. 

"Danny seems happier in We Are Harlot.. I've gotta get going" he told me before hanging up, leaving me there confused as usual. Cameron was never straight forward with anything and it pissed me off. 

Over the last couple of months I'd been writing songs for the band with Danny's help, but I knew the other guys wouldn't be too happy about that since Danny has changed a lot over the years and his music style had changed too. 

I guess I really should talk to Danny when he gets back and at least try to change his attitude towards Asking Alexandria before problems in the band get any worse than they already are. He'll be back in a few days and we'll talk then. 


I'd fallen asleep around 1 in the morning while watching TV in the bedroom, but I was quick to wake up when I heard the front door of the house open, even though I was sure I had locked it. I shot out of bed and stood against the closet, getting ready to hit the intruder if he entered the bedroom. I could hear heavy footsteps heading towards the bedroom before the door swung open, only to reveal Danny standing there. 

"You fat idiot! You scared the fuck out of me!" I laughed and pushed him lazily in the shoulder. "What are you doing here anyway? I didn't expect you home for a few more days" 

"Ben, We need to talk" he said, completely ignoring me as he dragged his body into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and I was quick to join him. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I've decided to leave Asking. I hope you understand" 

"Shut up, you turd" I punched him in the arm lightly before leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek, but surprisingly he moved away. "Danny.. You are kidding, right?" I asked as the smile dropped from my face when he shook his head.

"I've also decided to live in Texas" he said, finally making eye contact with me but what he was saying broke my heart. It was like he didn't give a shit. 

"So.. What about us?" I asked, standing up, clenching my fist, feeling the anger rush to me immediately. Even looking at that dumbass expression on his face was pissing me off right now. I just can't believe he's doing this!

He pushed himself off the bed and placed his hands on my shoulders, probably one of his shit attempts of calming me down, "Ben, I'll always love you and I never want you to forget that.. But I'm just holding you back" he told me before earning himself a punch in the jaw. He didn't really flinch because the punch wasn't as bad as it could have been, but all the energy had been knocked out of me and it was all I could do. 

I'd just lost my boyfriend and best friend. Something I never thought would happen. Of course I was going to be torn up inside. 

I collapsed against him, weakly punching him in the chest repeatedly, "You fucking arsehole.. I fucking hate you.. Fucking fat prick.." I was breaking down in front of him, something I'd never done before and I hated him for doing this to me. 

Suddenly he lifted my face and connected his lips with mine, I tried to push him off but he gripped onto my wrists before pinning me down to the bed. When he finally pulled his lips away from mine, I spoke up, "You just broke up with me and now you are trying to do this.. Go fuck yourself!" I yelled at him in a fit of rage and sadness.

He held both of my wrists together with one hand before using his other hand to remove the boxers I was wearing, "Ben, I love you. Don't forget that.. alright?" He whispered and pressed our lips together again. I couldn't even try to fight him off anymore, all the energy had drained from my body at this point and I didn't even give a shit what was going on around me.


I slowly opened my eyes to crumpled, empty bedsheets beside me on Danny's side of the bed. There was also a small note folded up on his pillow which had my name written on the front. But before I read the note, I sat up in the bed and glanced around the room, noticing the closet was open and emptied of most of Danny's clothing. 

He's really gone. 

He fucked me and left me.. like some cheap whore on the street. He didn't give a shit about me. He only cared about himself this whole fucking time.

I opened the note, my hands shaking and read over the messy handwriting that I'd recognised as Danny's. 

'I'm sorry' 

That's all he had to say to the person he apparently loved all these years. Fucking coward..

I tore up the note and threw it off the bed before collapsing back down onto the pillows, pulling the blankets over my head. I felt like I was about to throw up. 

How am I going to tell the guys? .. and the fans?

Shit.. What am I going to do now..?

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