Chapter 1

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"This is my first time," he said to her.

"Mine too," she said without looking at him. She was busy unwrapping the unfamiliar shaped object that had just been handed to her.

"Do you like doing this often?" he said, trying to further their already awkward first-time conversation.

Zayn Malik was a global superstar, a celebrity thrust into the world stage at a very young age. Till now he had managed to handle his fame and fortune quite well. And although Zayn Malik had everything that he could wish for in life, there definitely seemed to be sense of hollowness in him, something that didn't allow peace in his mind and left a constant ache in his body. And with the intention to fill that particular void in his life and to find answers to the questions mercilessly plaguing him, he was on his virgin trip to a country known to the world as India.

And seated next to him on the plane was a particularly gorgeous girl with beautifully kohled ice-blue eyes and a neatly ponytailed blonde hair. Her snugly fit jeans and fitted top showed off her athletic frame, and he admired her more than he would have probably liked or expected. She was enchantingly enigmatic, and he watched her as she tried to unwrap the strangely shaped candy that the flight attendant that just passed to her.

The girl had mostly remained indifferent towards him during the trip. He was no one to brag about his celeb status, or the fact that he was an instantly recognizable face. But he would have loved it if she would have given him a little more attention than the casual monosyllables and non-glances she was handing out to him. Probably he had grown accustomed to the hordes of cheering and appreciative fans that echoed his name wherever he went, and this hidden vanity of his wanted to be satisfied by her as well.

But more than anything else, he wondered clueless as to what it was about this girl that was mysteriously pulling him towards her – Was it the fact that her beauty was awakening the beast within him, or was it that she was possibly the only girl in a long time who didn't treat him special just because he was a superstar, or was it the fact that he had met her once before but he couldn't remember where exactly.

Whatever it was, he knew he didn't have much more time, the flight to India had only a couple more hours to go before landing, and he had to get his story with her moving forward, he had figure this beauty out.

"Do you like doing this often?" he asked again "I mean, traveling to new countries."

She finally made eye contact with him, and Zayn found himself falling unprepared into the depth of her icy eyes. "My boyfriend's in India. And he is cheating on me," she said in a tone that wanted to be taken seriously.

Zayn Malik was stumped, and at a loss for words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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