Chapter:2(The Party)Part:1

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I woke up with a pounding sound in my head, I knew I shouldn't have gulped it all down all at once, but I didn't care. I forced myself to get up out of bed and ran a hot bath, I did my business and got out, I dried off and wrapped my towel around my body. I got out and I checked my phone, 5 messages,2 from unknown, and 3 from Jazzmine. I didn't want to see her or hear from her at this moment,so I turned off my phone, and got dressed, I put on an white high waist ripped jeans and an matching crop top that says 'Dope chick 23',a pair of Jordan's and headed down stairs. I walked through the living room and entered the kitchen, and as I entered the room all eyes on me.

"What?",I asked as I took a bite out of an apple.

"You drink?", dad asked with no hesitation.

"No I don't",I answered.

"Cut the crap Kylie!!",dad yelled his voice boomed with anger.

To tell you the truth I have never seen my dad so mad before and it was funny and scary at the same time.

"So what,yes I drink is there a problem?",I asked.

"Yes there is, your 16 ,for God sakes."

"It doesn't matter,and besides I'm turning 17 in two weeks."

"When did you start to cut?", dad asked while the twins and Kaleb stayed quiet.

This is unbelievable,I thought to myself.

I didn't answer.

"Answer me dammit!!",dad yelled and I flinched cause this was scary....because he never yelled at me only Kaleb,I was his angel I had him wrapped around my pinkie.

Still no answer and suddenly I was pinned against the wall, by no-one other than.....Kaleb God he's so bipolar.

"Answer the freaking question Kylie!",Kaleb demanded.

"Since mom died",I said my eyes tearing up, at the thought of how my mom died,I loved mom even though she use to abuse me,but dad and the guys never knew,I always tried my best to please her but, I was never good enough.

"Dude that was five years ago",Jayden reassured me.

"Since you we're twelve?", he asked,his face softening.

"So what?",I asked,it's not like you care",I said pushing him away.

"Kylie you need hel-",Kaleb couldn't finish his sentence because I cut him off.

"Dad I'm leaving I'm gonna be late for school and this is ridiculous."


Dad couldn't says anymore,because I was already gone.

"Bye Kylie",the twins said.

"Bye",I answered, clearly pissed.

"Bye K-".

Kaleb was cut off by the sound of me slamming the door.

I'm tired if him always fucking things up for me.

I walked to the side of the house to open the garage with the remote. My family is rich both sides mom and dad, but we don't like to broadcast it.
Finally I reached the garage, but the stupid garage won't open,so I decided to open it myself,I walked up to the door and began kicking and punching the garage like a mad person and it opened,I was feeling good about myself after all I just open the the thing without the remote. Alright Kylie,I praised myself until I turned around and saw who really opened the door, it was Kaleb,I just hurried inside and open the door to my white 2015 Bugatti veyron and drive out of the garage and straight pass him.

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