I fell to the ground under all the weight, laughing and making sure I could still breathe.

"Come on. Get up," Coach called.

One by one, they started to get off and we got back into position.

"Bella," Coach said,"do you play any other positions?"

"Center defense," I answered.

"Switch with Kelly," he said and we did so.

Thomas and Fred started with everything they had, along with everyone else on their team. The game stayed mostly in the middle of the field, so I never really touched it.

Matt was nearly playing mid because Dallas was helping out the forwards. Suddenly, the ball flew back towards my defense. Matt was sprinting back but Coach barely beat him. I ran over and started sprint along with him, neck and neck. I gave one more burst of speed and slide tackled the ball. Coach went tumbling over me but I stayed low to the ground, knowing well he could hit me.

Within a few seconds everyone was surrounding us. A few guys helped me up and I walked over to Coach. I said nothing and stuck my hand out. He shook his head, smiling, and took my hand. I hoisted him up, with help from a few of the guys.

"That was so illegal!" Tyler said.

My team started defending me and a few guys on the other team started going along with Tyler.

"Hey," Coach said trying to get them under control, but after a few unsuccessful tries I yelled "HEY!"

Everyone quieted.

"No one likes a sore loser," I said smirking.

That probably wasn't the smartest thing to say because that started them up again.

"If everyone keeps this up, it's going to be running for the rest of practice!" Coach yelled.

Everyone immediately quieted down.

"It was a clean move," he admitted with a smile at me.

I smiled back as my team cheered and congratulated me.

We played a game of lightning then did a cheer and cleaned up to go home.

"Are you going to homecoming?" I heard from behind me.

I twirled around so see Adam standing there.

I nodded then looked to my feet. "I wish you could come."

I glanced up to see him smiling a small smile, so I smiled returned it.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school then?" I said.

He nodded and I walked away.

When I pulled up to my house, I could tell something was off. I parked my jeep and went inside. Immediately, I heard laughter. A woman's laughter.

I walked into the kitchen to see my dad and a lady holding wine glasses and smiling.

The lady had blonde hair, that reached her collar bone, and a lot of make up. She was wearing a tight black dinner dress and black high heels.

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