my sercet

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It took me along time to come terms with it really a bit to long i think.
You see i am a travler i can travel through worlds e.g. Neverland enchanted forest obiviously middle earth and modern day England.i know what will happen to them but i dwont want it to so i will try and stop it only me and james (another travler) the dwarves do not know about this and they never will.there is song the spirt wovles sing
The dwarves
Shall reclaim the kingdom of forgetten gold
Sicknesss will thrive
And a price must be paid
Indeed a price will paid.
I dont sing this song because if its written in a book dosent its set in stone does it?
I am a spirt wolf and i can also see the future and have some extra powers such as controlling the elements and got a nose of a wolf basically i can find things by smell that is how i found bilbos hobbit hole.
I can also travel back in time but not change anything which sucks but nevermind and everytime i go to sleep in middle earth i get transported to the ordinary world and live life as normal but i am going to stop the terrible fate.i will.i must.i hope

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