Chapter 5: The Encounter

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Draco's back was turned to him, but Harry could sense him smiling.
"So the Daily Prophet isn't lying," Draco walked slowly to a large dressing table. His long fingers traced over the frame of a large rectangular mirror. "Harry Potter really fancies blokes after all. Such a shame for that Weaselette."
Harry stood up from the bed. His face was now beaming red with embarassment. "Shut up, Malfoy."
Draco smirked. "Look at you, your face even matches your little ex girlfriend's hair."

   Harry wanted nothing more than to punch and bruise that perfect face of his. Everything Draco did positively made his skin crawl, from his vile way of speaking, to the arrogant way he walks like he owned the world. But even though all of that, Harry was craving something that cannot be distinguished.
"Why did you run away?" Harry tried changing the subject. "You're a coward Malfoy, you know that? You left your friends behind, Pansy and Blaise and stuff."
Draco glared at Harry. "Like I said, get your cock out of my arse, will you?"
Harry forced a small laugh. "My cock is not willing to go up your arse, as much you'd want it to."
Oh, two can play this game. Harry was sounding much more like a Slytherin now. This was more fun than he expected.
Draco grimaced. "That's disgusting Potter. Trust me, I wouldn't sink that low to sleeping around with someone that practically drinks sperm for breakfast."
"Are you calling me a whore?" Harry pretended to be offended.
"Well, judging from the Daily Prophet it really seems like your fans and groupies would slice an arm off just to sleep with you." Draco sat casually on his dressing table and opened up a month old version of The Daily Prophet. The headlines read 'The Greatest Wizard's Favourite Foods', followed by 'Our Saviour's Deepest Confessions' and another that read 'The Boy Who Lived's Favourite sex position!'
Harry's jaw dropped. "I didn't know about them. I never even heard about them."
"Yeah sure, and I wasn't a death eater."
"I swear!" Harry's eyes were wide. "I never read those ridiculous pages, let alone tell them private information like that."
Draco didn't look convinced. "So you're telling me, Potter, that you didn't go off and shag those brainless pubescent fangirls? Or fanboys, if you prefer."
Harry huffed a huffy breath. Draco's wit was getting annoying now. "Of course not Malfoy. People make up stuff. I don't know. Can we just please stop talking about this?"

"Oh? Little Potter's getting uncomfortable talking about his fame?" Draco raised an eyebrow. "And yet you want to know about my buisness so badly--that you came in the middle of the night searching for me?"
Harry's green eyes flashed. "I wasn't looking for you! What makes you think--"
Draco walked over to the bed and lifted a finger to Harry's lips to shush him. "God, Potter. You're the shittiest liar I've ever met."
Harry gulped. "Well," his voice was weak. He twiddled his thumbs. "If you knew I was looking for you, why did you just gladly present yourself? If you hated me so much wouldn't you rather killed me right then instead of dragging me here? Your father would be proud if you did that."

Their eyes met again, and Draco felt suddenly a bit uneasy. Even he wasn't that sure why he had dragged Potter all the way here, onto his bed. Not that he intended for anything to happen. He didn't even know it was Potter until he walked through all that fog and found the frozen stiff body on the ground. It was more of an accident, and without really a
plan B, Draco just decided to just put Harry in his own room until the spell wore off.
"I suppose I don't hate you enough to kill you, yet." He admitted.

"Yeah, and I'm willing to bet you probably did all this just to get me in your bed." Harry agreed sarcastically.
Draco sneered again. "It's called having decent manners to properly treat the guest, but surely being raised by muggles hasn't taught you a thing."

"You having manners? You put up this whole fuss just because I asked for a glass of water," Harry retorted. "Plus we're getting way out of subject here. I still need to know why you ran away from Hogwarts after the war."
Draco flinched a bit when Harry said war. "Fine," he said in a low tone. "Since you really fucking need to know my buisness, see for yourself."
He reached up from a top shelf and grabbed a flask. It looked like those typical alchoholic containers. Draco tossed it to Harry.
The item seemed so familiar yet foreign. Up close Harry could see it wasn't just any ordinary liquor flask. It was very intricately carved and the swirly designs moved and wiggled on the silvery tin.
"Drink it."
Potter frowned and adjusted his glasses. "I don't drink."
"For Salazaar's sake, Potter. It's not poison. Just a sip will do."
Harry suspiciously eyed it for a second before lifting the flask to his lips. The first thing he remarked was how the liquid wasn't alchoholic but probably one of Draco's potions. Even though Draco almost failed a lot of those classes that included memorizing textbooks, he always had a talent for brewing. It tasted neither pleasant nor unpleasant. If he had to compare it to anything, it was like a thick liquid that sizzled and sparked on your tongue.
Draco grabbed it out of Harry's hand and brought it to his own lips. He tilted it up for a second and put it down on the dressing table. He wiped his lips with his sleeve before beckoning Harry to come closer to him.
Together they stood in front of the dressing table while staring at the mirror. There were no physical effects that took place on Harry, and he was starting to feel like it was a a strange joke.

"Malfoy, What are we--"
"Are you ready?"
Without knowing what else to do, Harry nodded.

Draco slipped his wand out of his pant pocket and pointed it at the mirror. He quietly mumbled a long spell that was very low and barely audible. It was nothing like Harry's ever learned in school. It sounded almost like Parseltongue but not quite.
The mirror started to deform and mould away. Their reflections became distorted and scrunched up. Within the next moment Draco firmly grabbed Harry's hand and jumped into the intense suction of the mirror.


More Than Complicated (Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy) Drarry fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum