Chapter Five

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"Good Morning, young lovers!" bellowed the King  happily as the curtains of our bed were drawn. I sat  up and clamped my hand over my mouth trying to hide  my yawn. Marius sat up next to me with wild bed hair,  he yawned as well not trying to hide it.

"So is there good news, will we soon be expecting a  new young prince?" asked Marius's mother who stood in  the middle of our bed chamber which was once again  filled with people.

I looked over at Marius, waiting for what he might  say. "Nothing happened, father."

An audible gasp erupted from the crowd of relatives  and looks of concern and worried whispers spread  through out them.

"What do you mean?" his father was visibly shocked.

I just looked down feeling embarrassed, like I had  let them down. Even though I knew it wasn't my fault  at all, because it was Marius who didn't take me on  our wedding night. I knew how it worked in royal  families, after the wedding the couple should at  least try to make a baby as soon as possible.  Preferably a boy to ensure that there would always be  another ruler in case something happened to those  next in line.

"I would rather not talk about it, we would also like  to be left alone for a while so that we can rest  before our journey home." I could somehow feel the  annoyance that he tried his best to hide. They all  bowed before leaving the room, still talking amongst  themselves.

"Are you al..."

"I'm sorry Giselle...about last night." he told me,  getting out of bed. I got up as well, fixing my long  nightgown which had twisted in the night.

"It is okay, are you alright, Marius?" I asked once  more, following him into the washroom. Inside a maid  was standing next to the tub curtsying at us as we  walked in.

"If you don't mind, we'd like some alone time, thank  you." he told the maid, sending her scurrying out of  the washroom. "I'm alright, I'm just not ready for  anything yet." he finally answered my question,  undressing and sliding into the bath filled with  steaming water. 

I sat down on the edge of the bath, looking down at  him and keeping my eyes off of his groin. "So, you're  ready for marriage after only a few days but you  aren't ready for children.?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, leaning against  the wall of the bath. "Don't question me." he glared  up at me.

I looked away quickly, looking around the washroom,  "Fine."

"It's not that I'm not ready for children I'm just  not ready to have sex with you."

"Okay, it's fine." I felt embarrassed once more.

"Don't get embarrassed again," he pleaded.

I looked back at him, "How did you know about that?"

"The same way you knew I was annoyed earlier."

I sat in silence, waiting for further explanation.

He rolled his eyes, "You have a piece of my soul and  I have a piece of your's, now I'll be able to tell  how your feeling, or if you're in any pain. It's sort  of like my conscience is telling me."

"This is all so odd." I stood up, walking around the  room, the only sound was my bare feet tapping against  the cold floor.

After we had both washed, been dressed, and eaten we  stood in the front courtyard of the castle in a sea  of dark colored parasols. Above us the sun was  beating down on us and all the vampires huddled under  their parasols. I was kissing the cheeks of many many  people who I was now related too. I saw Lucille once  more and she hugged me and kissed my cheeks twice,  telling me how happy she was to have met me. I was  helped into the carriage before Marius and we waved  to everyone as our carriage was pulled down the path  leading back to the castle.

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