Chapter 26: The Fatal Kiss

Start from the beginning

A long stretch of silence followed. Dean rubbed a hand over his face before speaking, "You've been keeping all of this to yourself?"

I nodded, suddenly fearful that this was the calm before the storm. "You idiot," he muttered, pulling me closer to him once again, delicately placing his lips against my temple. "You should've told us."

"You're not mad?" I asked, bemused.

"I'm livid, Alice. Just not at you," he said, stroking my hair soothingly.

"Dad, can I have some water? I'm really thirsty," I said, realising that my throat was burning in pain.

"That's no surprise, considering you've been out for two days."

"Two days?" I couldn't quite believe it. What had happened that caused me to be out for such a length of time?

"You caught pneumonia from being outside in the rain. Cass fixed you up, but he said you needed to sleep it off," Dean explained, answering my question although I never voiced it.

"Oh," I muttered. Dean left me to ponder his words while he got me water.

Abruptly, my head started pulsating intensely. Spill blood. Kill him. I stumbled out of the bed I'd been lying on and collapsed onto the bedside table, knocking it to the floor. An empty beer bottle had previously adorned it and had smashed as a consequence of the fall. I picked it up, examining its sharp edge. It was a poor weapon but it would have to do.

"Alice?" Dean's voice called from another room.

Another wave of throbbing started suddenly and I found myself getting to my feet. A small whisper of a thought questioned what I was doing but it was quickly drowned out by the voice screaming KILL HIM!

Footsteps sounded from the other room as Dean drew closer. Just as he popped his head round the doorframe, I snapped to my senses and hid the bottle behind my back. "You okay?" He asked, his gaze suspicious.

Forcing a small smile, I said "I'm fine, just knocked over the table."

Judging by his expression, Dean didn't believe me. However, he nodded and returned to the other room. Quickly, I ran to the window and dropped the bottle out of it, far from my reach. What the hell was that? Was I actually considering hurting my father? I needed to get out of here and clear my head.

Silently, I opened the door to the room and ran as soon as it clicked shut behind me. My energy levels were low and I couldn't go as fast as I would have liked but it was enough to get away without Dean catching me. In the lobby of the motel, I accidentally knocked into someone. "Sorry," I muttered.

A hand grabbed my shoulder. "Alice?" Sam asked. "Where are you going?"

I inwardly cursed before turning to face him, plastering a smile on my face. "Pie run," I said briefly, hoping he would buy my excuse.

"After you're just up?" Sam questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm an addict, okay, I have needs," I whined. Hopefully, a complaining teenage girl would be enough for Sam to leave me on my way.

"Okay, I won't deprive you any longer," Sam said, smiling.

Flashing a quick smile, I hurried out of the motel, abandoning the safety and security that came with family.


My breath misted and hung in the air momentarily before dissipating into the dark night sky. The stars shone proudly above me and a whisper of a breeze rustled the surrounding trees. I was sitting on a park bench, gazing aimlessly at the heavens, relaxing in the tranquillity.

Lost in thought, I didn't see the person approaching me until they were standing directly in front of me. Snapping from my daydream, I felt a sense of dread when I realised who it was.

"Hey," he spoke coolly, as if nothing had ever happened between us. He sat down beside me, expressionless.

"Alex," I whispered, my voice cracking. A lump began to form in my throat, the water of unshed tears blurring my vision.

For what seemed like an eternity, nothing but silence filled the air. The world seemed to come to a halt around us as the wind ceased blowing and the distant sound of cars faded completely. Suddenly, Alex exhaled loudly, as if preparing himself for something. I turned and looked at him, not needing words to convey that I was ready to listen.

"I think there's something wrong with me," he began. "I should be upset about us but I can't bring myself to be. I thought that it was because we were only together for such a short time, but then I found that I couldn't bring myself to feel anything for Natalie, either. Natalie and I have been dating on-and-off for around four and a half months." Alex paused to allow that information to sink in. Four months ago, Alex and I had just met again at Harvelle's, which meant that his on-and-off dating with Natalie could have overlapped between our dating period. "I used to be riddled with guilt about that as well, but now I feel nothing. I'm broken."

Alex wasn't broken. His emotionless state was a consequence of my reckless, stupid actions. Confession seemed to be the theme of the conversation, as I was about to tell Alex about the demon deal when he said, "There's only one last thing that I can think to do to fix myself."

Before I had the chance to speak, Alex pressed his lips gently against mine. The first kiss was nothing more than a light brush but was followed by a second increasingly passionate one as I found myself closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck. I broke the kiss and rested my head in the crook of his neck, tears escaping from my tightly clamped eyes.

Alex gasped and at first I thought it had been because my tears were making contact with his skin. "Sorry," I muttered, dabbing them dry. However, Alex's gasp had been caused by something much worse than a few drops of water. I glanced down to see a red stain blossoming across Alex's shirt.

Oliver stood behind him, blood slick knife in hand, grinning manically. "It's what he deserves for touching what belongs to me," he said nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just driven a knife through Alex's back.

Alex collapsed to the ground, gasping, his blue eyes wide and disbelieving of his current reality. "Alice," he murmured, grasping my hand tightly. Fear and panic seized me as the blood began to pool around him and his grip weakened.

"No..." I whispered. "No, no, no." This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. I released his hand and started pressing his wound, trying desperately to replicate the life-saving techniques I'd often seen on TV.

The blood continued to rush from his body, flowing freely through my fingers despite the pressure I was using in a futile attempt to stop it. Tears burned in my eyes as I started to face the undeniable truth; he was dying.

"Alice," he whispered weakly. "It's okay, don't cry. I've had a good run and you... made it... worthwhile."

A scream of raw agony tore its way from my throat as the light faded in his eyes and his final breath passed through his lips.


So... That happened.  Don't kill me.  Ngl, I cried a little.

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